Kerry and the terrorists

By Joseph Farah

John Kerry says he will hunt down terrorists with the same energy he used to pursue the Viet Cong.

“With the same energy … I put into going after the Viet Cong and trying to win for our country, I pledge to you I will hunt down and capture or kill the terrorists before they harm us,” Kerry said. “And we will wage a war on terror that makes America proud and brings the world to our side.”

That would be a pretty funny line if it weren’t distinctly possible that Kerry could actually win tomorrow’s presidential election.

Why is it funny?

If they know anything about the way John Kerry conducted himself in Vietnam and afterward, Osama bin Laden and Islamic terrorists are praying to Allah to bring him victory.

Kerry’s claim to combat fame in Vietnam is shooting in the back an unarmed, wounded member of the Viet Cong – some eyewitnesses say he was a young teenager.

He won medals for this heroic deed – because he, John Kerry, wrote up the after-action reports.

But while the war was still being waged and brave Americans were risking their lives in ways Kerry never imagined, he came home and championed the Viet Cong cause. He became the Vietnamese Communists’ secret weapon. He became their fifth column right here in the United States. He became their tool.

That’s the shocking story discovered buried in military archives in Lubbock, Texas, last week by members of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who have tried to share this vital information with the American people and received little help from a Kerry-supporting media elite.

Kerry not only met twice with the leaders of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese delegations in Paris in 1971, he actively took their directions for fomenting protests in the United States.

In other words, he turned.

He flipped.

He went over the hill.

He joined the enemy.

It wasn’t that Kerry just did things that pleased the enemy. He took their cues. He did their bidding. He earned that place of prominence on the wall of the “War Crimes Museum” in Hanoi.

John Kerry was a war hero all right – for the Viet Cong.

And now, incredibly, Kerry is citing once again his Vietnam “heroics” as the basis for his resume to lead the war against Islamic terrorists.

I haven’t been this shocked by something Kerry said since his “reporting for duty” convention speech.

Of all the things John Kerry could say, why does he keep bringing up Vietnam?

He can’t help himself – because Kerry hasn’t changed since 1971.

He’s the same guy today that he was then – a little richer, a little grayer, but just as treacherous, just as conniving, just as ambitious, just as un-American.

And that’s why it’s not so funny that Kerry has made this little joke. Perhaps he is sending a message around the world to America’s enemies once again. Bin Laden knows what Kerry did in 1971. All of America’s enemies know his importance in history is not as a warrior chasing down semi-naked youngsters in black pajamas. His real significance is the damage he did to America’s morale at a trying time in history. His real significance is the boost he gave America’s enemies in 1971. His real significance is getting away with that kind of treason against his country and leveraging the fame it brought him into a viable presidential candidacy 33 years later.

Tomorrow it’s time to turn Kerry into a footnote in American history. Tomorrow it’s time to let Kerry know you remember. Tomorrow it’s time to sentence him to political oblivion for the crime of treason. Tomorrow it’s time put the specter of John Kerry behind us once and for all.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.