Iranian money, funneled through Hezbollah, has been partially financing recent Palestinian suicide bombings, possibly including yesterday’s suicide attack, Israeli security sources tell WorldNetDaily.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for yesterday’s bombing attack on the Carmel Market in the center of Tel Aviv. The attack, which occurred at a stall in the open Carmel Market in central Tel Aviv, killed four Israelis and wounded 30 others.
Israeli security sources say Iran has been financing Palestinian terrorist factions, including Popular Front and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. They say there is much documentation, including traced bank accounts and admissions from Palestinian and Iranian leaders.
In July, Iranian-backed Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah publicly admitted on Al-Manar Middle East TV there was a faction in his organization active in providing operational support for “Palestinian operatives.”
Also at a recent memorial service for killed Hezbollah activist Ghaleb Awaleh held in the Sheikh Radwan suburb of Gaza and organized by the Popular Resistance Committees,local Popular Front/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades leaders were recorded talking about financial support from Iran and Hezbollah, security sources say.
Other high-ranking PFLP/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades operatives have also made public the support they receive from Iran and Hezbollah. Prominent among them was “Abu Mujahid,” a nickname for a local senior operative in Nablus Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades who in an interview given to in August, said, “We do not hide the fact that some active operatives of our organization are financed and encouraged by interested parties, from senior Palestinians who finance operations to inflame the situation to operatives who are financed by Hezbollah and Iran.”
Arafat, meeting with activists from the Israeli Peace Block, spoke about Iranian support of various terrorist elements in the PA-administered territories in relation to a cease fire. A statement from the Peace Block, reported by UAE, quoted Arafat saying “there are some operatives … who claim that I [Arafat] am their commander, but they receive money from Iran through an officer named Munir al-Maqdah who left the organization [Fatah] in Lebanon several years ago.”
And a security source told WorldNetDaily that in July, Israeli forces arrested Khaled Bassal Suliman Shashtari, a Fatah/Tanzim operative from Nablus, who, directed by Hezbollah, was planning to perpetrate a suicide-bombing attack against Israeli soldiers at a roadblock.
The charges come amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran over Tehran’s nuclear projects. It was recently announced Iran is nearing completion of a uranium conversion facility in Isfahan. The facility is designed to convert uranium ore, or yellowcake, into uranium hexafluoride, a key component in the process of enriching uranium to produce nuclear weapons.
Israel has said it has completed military exercises for a pre-emptive strike against several of Iran’s nuclear power facilities and is ready to attack if Russia supplies Iran with rods for enriching uranium.