Canada to Bush-haters: Not so fast

By WND Staff

Canada has a message for angry Americans looking to leave the U.S. because of their disdain for President Bush’s re-election: not so fast.

Officials say disgruntled Democrats would have to wait their turn and follow the proper immigration procedures, which often take up to a year to complete.

“Let me tell you – if they’re hard-working honest people, there’s a process, and let them apply,” Immigration Minister Judy Sgro told Reuters.

Asked about any special treatment for Americans, she said, “No, they’ll join the crowd like all the other people who want to come to Canada.”

The Canadian foreign ministry says it hasn’t seen any increase in online traffic on the Washington embassy’s immigration website, and housing brokers doubted they’d see a surge in business from Americans.

Earlier this week, the London Daily Telegraph published an article featuring a number of comments from Californians considering leaving the U.S. should Bush win a second term.

”I certainly don’t love the climate of Vancouver, but I love the sanity,” said Steve Crawford, 54, a singer and actor who volunteered at the Democratic Party offices in Santa Monica. ”For someone like me, if this happens, I can’t in good conscience allow myself to support another Bush government, even benignly. And a lot of other people are saying the same. I have a good friend who is adamant he will leave if Bush is re-elected. He’s picked two countries and will definitely go to one should this happen.”

Internet-business owner Gretchen Witte, 35, from Alhambra, Calif., told the paper she’d move to London, where she previously lived for eight years, should Bush win.

”As a woman, the current climate is becoming intolerable. Bush has just appointed a man to the FDA reproductive health panel who believes that women with medical trouble should pray to Jesus for relief. If this is what America is becoming, I cannot live here. The only reason I can sleep at night is the thought that I can leave the country if he wins.”

Some in the entertainment world were also noted to make threats about leaving.

Actor Robert Redford reportedly vowed to move to Ireland where he owns homes near Dublin.

And speaking in Paris this week, Hustler magazine porn magnate Larry Flynt told the German News Agency he’d have to consider living in exile.

“If Bush is re-elected – but I don’t want to even consider the thought for one second – I really have to think about living somewhere else,” Flynt said.