Bush should ignore the usual advice

By WND Staff

No matter how Bush won the election – decisively or closely – the advice from pundits is always the same: Go left, young man.

They’re already at it, advising President Bush to forget his conservative base and be a “leader for all the people.” Well, of course the president should be magnanimous in victory, but this doesn’t mean forgetting that he now has a clear mandate to defend the moral order.

One Democratic commentator on Fox News actually made the case that because Bush won so decisively, he should feel free to “move toward the center” and “reach out” to moderate Democrats and others.

If Bush had won with a razor-thin margin, the advice would have been the same: “Because the nation is so divided, he needs to move toward the center to heal the wounds.”

What Bush should do first is to send a bouquet of flowers to Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, whose clinically insane ruling against marriage in May set the tone for the showdown that occurred yesterday.

Marshall, along with three colleagues, trashed marriage, constitutional law and even the idea of truth itself in a mad dash toward radical stardom. But the nation took notice. Boy, did it take notice.

Credit also goes to Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Phil Burress and Citizens for Community Values, who delivered Ohio for marriage and for Bush, and the many hardworking volunteers at Concerned Women for America and other Christian groups that worked to motivate pastors and turn out the Christian vote.

The driving force behind the Bush victory was the surge in support for marriage all over the nation. Eleven states – even liberal Oregon – passed state constitutional marriage amendments with whopping margins, many of them over 70 percent. Nothing else polled that high.

It wasn’t only marriage – the president’s clear defense of “the culture of life” and his leadership in the war on Islamic terrorism also gave many voters a clear cut choice. But the assault on marriage was the signature issue that drove many voters to the polls, particularly evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics. Bush even polled higher among blacks, many of whom turned out to vote to defend marriage.

Many voters were not overly fond of Bush, but correctly saw Kerry as the defender of sexual anarchy and appeasement that has gripped the Democratic Party in recent years. By embracing the homosexual lobby, and accusing his fellow Americans of “hatred” and “bigotry” for defending marriage, Kerry didn’t need to tell us any more about his “values.” It didn’t hurt that his wife pledged to make “gay” activism her singular cause when she became first lady. The writing was on the wall: If you liked Sodom and Gomorrah, you’ll love the New America under John and Teresa.

To be sure, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth should also get a nice invitation to all the inaugural balls, given that they pierced the media’s wall against revealing John Kerry’s traitorous conduct after he returned from Vietnam.

Bush might also send flowers to New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevy, whose double life gave us a window into the depth of depravity into which the Democratic Party has sunk with its endorsement of all things sexual. Posturing next to the wife and children he betrayed, he announced, “My truth is that I am a gay American.” Right. That does not excuse your cheatin’ heart, buddy. By the way, you’re a Democrat, aren’t you?

Kerry really did himself and his party in with his whole-hearted embrace of the homosexual agenda. During the second debate, he proclaimed that we should all be understanding if a man cheats on his wife and gets into homosexual sex.

From the transcript:

I’ve met wives who are supportive of their husbands or vice versa when they finally sort of broke out and allowed themselves to live who they were, who they felt God had made them. I think we have to respect that.

No, we don’t. After the debate, ordinary people – not the media – rushed to the transcripts to see if he had really said it. He did.

But no matter how obvious it is that Kerry’s radicalism, combined with Bush’s quiet embodiment of traditional values, gave Bush the victory, we’ll hear the drumbeat to move leftward. Even with the GOP picking up crucial Senate seats with solid moral conservatives like Tom Coburn, Okla., David Vitter, La., and Jim DeMint, S.C., the defeat of liberal Minority Leader Tom Daschle, and Bush scoring a clear win, we will hear in the days ahead the siren song of “moderate” Republicans: “Ignore all this, move to the left, and you’ll be loved and admired.”

Mr. President: Ignore them, honor your base, and let’s roll up our sleeves and get some things accomplished, such as filling the Supreme Court with judges who know when life begins and who also know the difference between legislating and adjudicating. We should also begin impeaching judges who betray their oaths to uphold the Constitution, have a lust for making up laws, and who look to foreign countries’ courts instead.

One more thing. In Pennsylvania, where Bush made a crucial error in intervening the wrong way in a tight GOP primary race between conservative Pat Toomey and Sen. Arlen Specter, he got nowhere on Tuesday. We’re left with Specter as the presumptive next chairman of the Judiciary Committee, where Bush’s judicial nominees will run the gantlet.

Specter has already given notice that he will approve only “centrist” (read: pro-abortion, pro-‘gay’) judges. Given Tuesday’s mandate for the “extremist” moral order that Specter disdains, it’s not too early to begin a campaign to dump him and ensure that a real conservative like Jon Kyle takes this crucial post.

You heard it here: Dump Specter, now.

And, once again, thank you, Margaret Marshall, for being who you are. You, too, might consider resigning before you do any more damage to your own party, which needs to excuse itself from the Castro Street festivities and make a return to Main Street.

Robert Knight is director of the Culture and Family Institute, an affiliate of Concerned Women for America.