Fighting back

By Joseph Farah

This presidential election was notable for not providing any choice to Americans who want immigration laws enforced.

But some activists in Arizona pushed through a successful ballot initiative requiring the state to clamp down on illegals – and it could prove to be the first shot in a nationwide grass-roots movement to reclaim American sovereignty and stave off this quiet invasion.

Proposition 200 was, predictably, opposed by the entire Arizona political establishment, yet it was approved overwhelmingly by the people – 56 percent to 44. It tightens state laws to keep illegal aliens from voting and getting welfare and other government assistance.

Not surprisingly, this common-sense prescription from the people was denounced by the oligarchy in Mexico. A statement from Mexico City warned it “will lead to discrimination based on racial profiling while limiting access to basic health and educational services.” The foreign ministry added that Proposition 200 “doesn’t contribute in any way, shape or form to any constructive manner of dealing with the migration phenomenon between Mexico and Arizona.”

Well, people can only do what people can do.

The U.S. government has been no more responsive to the will of the American people on this issue of immigration than has the Mexican government.

We’re supposed to live in a society governed by the rule of law and the will of the people. Yet, on this issue of immigration, the rule of law is ignored along with the immigration legislation already on the books. The will of the people is also ignored even more flagrantly.

What we need is a political brushfire to sweep across this land like the one set in Arizona. It will take nothing short of that to wake up the political establishment in both parties on this issue – and others like it – where the rule of law and the will of the people are being ignored.

And the good news is that it seems to be starting.

Already, groups in California, Colorado and Georgia are planning similar initiatives.

The Arizona proposition was demonized by the political and cultural elites as dangerous and racist. Yet look at what it actually says.

It requires only what the laws on the books already require – that voting be limited to citizens of the United States. That’s the law of the land now. The problem is that it is not enforced. All Proposition 200 does is put some teeth in the law that already exists.

It’s common sense that voting should be limited to U.S. citizens. If not, then we should open up the voting process to people around the world – let them all vote absentee. But this nation was founded on the idea of independence from foreign influence and coercion. By allowing any non-citizens to vote in our elections, we betray the vision of our founders – the vision that made America great and unique as an experiment in freedom and self-government.

Opponents of Proposition 200 say the U.S. Justice Department should weigh in to determine if civil-rights laws are in jeopardy when states require proof of citizenship to vote. Think about this. In this last election, in which a record number of people participated, not one voter was challenged to offer proof of citizenship. That is a mistake. It opens our system to widespread abuse and voter fraud.

We must not even consider entering another national voting cycle open to such abuse.

Watch for the Arizona proposition to be challenged by the courts. This is the way the political establishment subverts the rule of law and the will of the people. Know that any judge who puts himself above the law and above the will of the people is nothing more than a tyrant – the kind of tyrant we as a people put behind us in 1776.

If you understand what a grave threat illegal immigration represents to our nation’s security and to our way of life, live like the people of Arizona and make your voice heard loud and clear across this land.

It’s time to start some more brushfires.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.