Eroding evolution’s believability

By Kelly Hollowell

Once again, evolutionists strike when the iron is hot in an attempt to affirm the same bogus evolutionary dogma they have crammed down our throats for 150 years. Once again, they’ve got it wrong.

The recent discovery of a dwarf skeleton on the remote Indonesian island of Flores has scientists anxious to create another sub-class of humans. This one is called Homo floresiensis, which implies that they belong to a different species of people than those living today, we Homo sapiens.

Researchers found the skull and part of the skeleton of an adult female, plus bones and teeth from seven other individuals. These remains have many features similar to Homo erectus, another so-called human species claimed to be the ape-man of Africa and our subhuman ancestor. Now researchers suggest the Flores bones are dwarfed descendants of Homo erectus.

At least with this much I would be willing to agree. According to many experts, “there is so little evidence in Homo erectus specimens outside the range of human variation that they are likely just another type of human resulting from genetic diversification.”

But the showstopper in the recent discovery of Homo flores came when the 3-foot-tall adult female skeleton was dated as only 18,000 years old. That means this hobbit-like dwarf of a human shatters the long-held scientific belief that Homo sapiens systematically crowded out other upright walking human cousins some 160,000 years ago and took over the human population tens of thousands of years ago.

But wait, there’s more.

This “would-be missing link” between us and the original missing link also happens to have the brain size of a grapefruit, which is 2/3 smaller than ours. It is actually closer to the brain size of a modern day monkey and other pre-human ancestors who purportedly became extinct 2 million years ago.

According to authorities, this is what makes the dwarf skeleton the most extreme figure to be included in the extended human family. Chris Stringer, the director of human origins studies at the Natural History Museum in London, said this finding “rewrites our knowledge of human history.”

In other words, this finding suggests recent evolution was (just had to be) more complex than previously thought. (Now that’s an understatement.)

Think about the rather recent results from mapping the human genome. They revealed the instructions for creating human life are packed into roughly 35,000 genes, only 15,000 more genes than certain worms and about twice as many as a fruit fly. This discovery alone dramatically increased the complexity of function in DNA necessary to sustain increasingly complex life forms and account for the spontaneous creation and diversification of all species according to traditional notions of evolution.

Now add the recent finding of Flores man. He contains a jumble of features that appear borrowed from extinct primitive man. Yet he lived crossing timelines with both Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. If previous timelines are to be believed, this indicates dramatic changes in DNA and creation of a new species rather recently – not millions of years ago.

It also suggests a lengthy coexistence of two different species of man based on geologic evidence that a massive volcano caused the extinction of Homo flores as recently as 12,000 years ago. None of these possibilities are consistent with traditional evolutionary theory.

Confounding evolutionists further, the Flores man had to migrate to the Indonesian island by boat. Yet building a boat to sail on the open sea is traditionally thought to be beyond the intellectual abilities of Homo erectus. Remember, Homo flores has a brain size smaller than even Homo erectus.

Additionally, the site of the find gives evidence of controlled use of fire and sophisticated stone tools. All together, these new findings shatter another long-held belief by evolutionists: that you need a particular brain size to do anything intelligent.

As for their small body size of the recently found species, it adds no support to evolutionary theory. Nature is full of examples such as deer, elephants and pigs living in marginal, isolated environments that gradually dwarf when food and resources are limited. Dwarfism also exists in the current human population worldwide.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, some of the more famous modern-day dwarfs include actress Tamara de Treaux, who at 2 feet 7 inches tall played ET in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster film. There is also Filipino paratrooper and black-belt martial arts exponent Weng Wang, who measures just 2 feet 9 inches tall. And the shortest married couple was the Brazilian pair Douglas da Silva and Claudia Rocha. When they married in 1998, they were 35 inches and 36 inches, respectively.

All contradictions of the traditional theory ignored, evolutionary dogma continues to be shoveled with the dirt that uncovered Homo flores. Yet there is good news. The bones of Homo flores found are apparently not fossilized. That means scientists are hopeful they might yield DNA that could shed the truth on evolutionary theory and the absurdity of human descent from apes by proving Homo flores is genetically human.

Just don’t look for the retraction of their present claims on the evening news.

Kelly Hollowell

Kelly Hollowell, J.D., Ph.D., is a scientist, patent attorney and adjunct law professor of bioethics. She is a senior strategist for the Center for Reclaiming America, a conference speaker and founder of Science Ministries Inc. Read more of Kelly Hollowell's articles here.