Condemned to hopeless labor

By Mychal Massie

Listening to many of the elites comment post election as to what went wrong, one gets the impression they view the reasons for their bludgeoning more as canards than maxims. Which would explain why, not unlike Sisyphus, they are condemned to campaigns of futile and hopeless labor.

Mid afternoon of Election Day, the elites were drunk with the promise of victory, but in the wee hours of the early following morning, it was as if Mercury had snatched them from their earthly joys and returned them back to the underworld and their waiting rock.

Presidents Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush had cogent, reasoned agendas for the country that Americans identified with. The elites ran on racial animus, fear, ignorance, irresponsibility, lack of morals, criticism and anti-faith.

Patricia Ireland, former president of the National Organization of Women, in issuing a railing denunciation of the hated religious right said: “If Jesus was so concerned about homosexuality and abortion, why didn’t he ever talk about it?” (“Hannity & Colmes,” Nov. 4, 2004) And candidate John Kerry claimed to be an obedient Catholic, yet he supports abortion and homosexuality in direct opposition to the tenets of his faith.

Comments and mindsets such as these don’t just conflict with the vast majority of Americans, they are repugnant to the vast majority of Americans – whether they be people of faith or not.

Legitimate criticism is one thing. But to continuously criticize, especially in the face of undeniable successes, leads people to believe elites are either oblivious to reality or criticizing for the sake of expediency. In other words, they will say anything (read: lie) for self-serving purposes.

The elites displayed more than their complete disconnect with the people in the 2.5 million square miles of the counties won by the president when they embraced Whoopi Goldberg and her despicable performance at a fund-raiser as representative of the values of Americans. They showed their own lack of moral direction. The same can be said of their showering praises on Eminem’s profanity-laced recording that was directed at the president of the United States. These actions in the minds of Americans do not represent leadership.

To argue against parental notification before a minor can have an abortion; to preach condoms over abstinence; to bow before the world courts; to blame all but those responsible for a willful lack of industry; to blame poverty for crime; to marginalize racial groups through suggestions of inferiority – while holding themselves out as messiahs is to perpetuate irresponsibility. To foment fear and racial discord while preying upon ignorance is not what America looks for in leaders, especially in time of war.

It is unambiguous elitist arrogance that leads them to believe Americans are too blind to see through their productions and hollow arguments. It would do them well to examine why an electoral vote thief and serial philanderer like President Kennedy was revered as a leader. Even Bill Clinton knew how to connect with the people.

No longer does their cherished method of campaigning work. Historic numbers of Hispanics, blacks, single women and married women with children, persons identifying themselves as people of faith including Jewish voters, investor class (thanks to 401Ks, IRAs, etc.) voted for someone who is by no means perfect, but who stands for something and looks the enemy in the eye. Eleven states had referendums on the ballots for marriage being between a man and a woman – all of them passed. They were able to get their young people to the free concerts, but not to the polls – evangelical Christian youths outvoted the MTV crowd 4-to-1. Undecided voters in the week before the election went to the president by three full percentage points – 51 percent to 48 percent.

We are now a week removed from the worst drubbing of their elitist lives – yet they show no signs of accepting the reality of the obvious. America isn’t divided, as their “talking points” would want people to believe – America knows what it believes, America knows what it stands for. It is the elites who don’t have a clue.

And it will be their self-perceived, elitist intellectual superiority that will blind them to these simple truths … because it really is just that simple.

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.