Shut up and leave already!

By Kevin McCullough

I’m sick of the empty promises that liberals are still making about how distraught they are about the outcome of the election.

Robert Redford said he was going to Ireland. Fine. Go! Alec Baldwin said in 2000 that he was checking out after the first election of President Bush, but last we checked, he’s still scowling at conservatives here in America.

On Tuesday of this past week, ABC News released a story on how some in America are saying that “the U.S. no longer feels like home.” Well, get ready my friend, because they are just getting started.

In the ABC News piece there were these little jewels of why liberals are all considering leaving:

“Our country is heading backward”

– Leora Dowling (moving to Italy)

“We were leaving anyhow, mostly because we want to start a family and we don’t feel our children can get a decent education in the United States.”

– Brian Sinicki (moving to France)

“I can no longer in good conscience support a nation that believes it is OK to lie to start wars … I’m taking my assets out of the country and moving to Central America, where, ironically, I will have more freedom to live my life without interference from a corrupt government.”

– Kelly Ann Thomas (moving to Central America)

Right, nations in Central America never lie – especially about war.

And then there’s this:

With the ban on gay marriage passing in so many states and the conservative agenda President Bush is taking, it doesn’t feel safe in the U.S. any more … We are expecting that next year Bush will try to push the Federal Marriage Amendment Act through Congress again.

– Cindy Sproul (moving to Canada)

Well, we all know how unsafe it is to protect the institution of marriage. In fact of all the dangers looming on the horizon it seems that we should count protecting marriage as maybe the fiercest threat to all of humanity that we have ever encountered.

Now I know that you may be thinking that I am being unfair to these folks. Which I’m not – I simply disagree with them. But the catch is when liberals win elections and the values that the majority of Americans hold are threatened by their dangerous dogma, conservatives debate the issues, run for office and work on legislation. They also still go to church, celebrate holidays, go shopping and do the dishes.

When conservatives win, liberals freak. How else do you explain the thousands of social workers who had to be deployed in Florida and elsewhere to help the liberals cope with “Post Election Shock Disorder”? When liberals aren’t in power, they go into seizures. They give birth to fantastically sized farm creatures. They go on the cable shows and tell the country why the country was wrong for not having chosen them to lead. And they whine – my gosh, the incessant whining.

Now, because the economy is good, liberal elitists like those quoted above are taking their very wealthy means and relocating – and let me emphasize this next point – WE NORMAL WORKING FOLKS DON’T CARE!

I have been saying this since the election, but liberals don’t get it. In their mind they believe themselves the all knowing, all powerful and all insightful god of the universe. If you disagree, then you simply are evil scum that must be wiped from the face of existence.

Conservatives believe there is a God. Absolutes exist. Standards have meaning. And so far, we are not ready to chuck all of those just so that liberals can get their “funky groove on.”

So to those of you who feel it necessary to let us know that you are so distraught with America that you can stay not even a day longer, don’t dally. Just go. Send cards at Christmas, or Hanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan and Boxing Day (or whatever that Canadian thing is).


Kevin McCullough

Like McCullough's hard-hitting commentary? Order his brand new book, "The MuscleHead Revolution: Overturning Liberalism with Commonsense Thinking"

Kevin McCullough's first hardback title, "The MuscleHead Revolution: Overturning Liberalism with Commonsense Thinking," is now available. He is heard daily in New York City, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware on WMCA 570 at 2 p.m.
Read more of Kevin McCullough's articles here.