The Kennebec Journal in Augusta, Maine, reports that Colby College’s guest speaker, Episcopal Bishop Vicky Gene Robinson, denounced the just-re-elected President Bush: “It’s astounding that Bush won’t admit that he’s done anything wrong (on Iraq).”
Reported the Journal: “Poking fun at 11 states voting to ban gay marriage at the polls, Robinson said, ‘I am thankful that heterosexual marriage is now protected.’
“But he turned serious when aiming a broadside at an undefined ‘religious right.’
“‘The religious right is hardly religious and definitely not right,’ he said, to laughter and applause. ‘They’re in bed with the enemy. They’re in bed with winning and arrogance. We have let them hijack the Bible. It is our book, and these are our stories, and we cannot let them be misused.'”
This is ironic, given the fact that Bishop Robinson actually helped to re-elect President Bush, because to the majority of our fellow Americans, what Robinson is doing is abominably disgusting.
For this sodomist prelate, who lives with his male lover, doesn’t seem to care at all about what he is doing to tear apart his already shrinking Episcopal Church – which has lost more than a million members since the 1960s and which, in its largest diocese (Virginia) has, in one year, lost $900,000 in financial support.
A growing number of Episcopalians have, because of Robinson’s consecration, left the denomination, as have three parishes in the Diocese of Los Angeles, which is in a court fight with the denomination over property.
And most of the 77 million Anglicans in Africa and Asia want nothing to do with the U.S. Episcopalians, 62 of whose bishops voted in favor of Robinson as bishop.
None of this apparently disturbs him since his national fame means lecture fees go up.
This at the same time the Sodomy Lobby is conducting a campaign against the Salvation Army’s Christmas kettles, about which Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute of Concerned Women of America, notes:
“They want to deny warm meals and toys to unfortunate children this holiday, just so they can force their agenda. … No further proof of homosexuality advocates’ religious intolerance and bigotry is required than the open admission that they are attacking the Salvation Army specifically because it holds religious views different from their own.”
One of the outrages of the Old Big Media (most daily newspapers, news magazines and most of TV) is the fact that they almost never, ever cover, or quote, the Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays – or the many thousands of former homosexuals who have been helped to go straight.
But talk radio and the Internet, as the New Media, have and will continue to report the valid news the Old Big Media either misses or tries to censor – like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth whose courageous testimony helped to alter U.S. history on Nov. 2.