Nurse: Michael
tried to kill Terri

By WND Staff

Michael Schiavo once tried to kill his wife Terri with insulin shots, according to a former caregiver for the brain-injured Florida woman.

Michael Schiavo (Photo:

The estranged husband — who is living with another woman with whom he has two children — “wants her to die; he doesn’t want the truth to be known,” said Carla Sauer Iyer in an interview this morning on the Fox News Channel program “Fox and Friends.”

WorldNetDaily reported the registered nurse’s testimony in 2003 when it was presented in a 24-page complaint filed in a federal lawsuit alleging Michael Schiavo had forbidden medical professionals to provide his wife with any therapy or rehabilitation and had attempted to hasten her death while she was a patient at the Pinellas Park, Fla., hospice she has lived in since 2000.

After Terri Schiavo’s collapse in 1990 under disputed circumstances, Michael Schiavo won a malpractice lawsuit, promising to use the money for her therapy. Afterward, however, he requested a “do not resuscitate” order, refused therapy and barred stimulation and treatment for infections.

Michael Schiavo believes the collapse, during which oxygen temporarily was cut off to the brain, was the result of an eating disorder, but her parents suspect he tried to strangle her.

Iyer said in the FNC interview that when Terri Schiavo was having a urinary tract infection, Michael Schiavo “would be excited, thrilled, even hoping that she would die soon.”

“What makes you say that?” Iyer was asked.

“He would blurt out ‘When is she gonna die? When is that B-I-T-C-H gonna die? Hasn’t she died yet?'”

A federal judge early this morning refused to order reinsertion of Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube after emergency intervention by Congress and President Bush.

The tube was removed Friday afternoon after Florida courts rejected a flurry of motions by Robert and Mary Schindler to keep their daughter alive.

In a 13-page ruling, U.S. District Judge James Whittemore of Tampa said the 41-year-old woman’s parents had not established a “substantial likelihood of success” at trial on the merits of their arguments.

‘Help me’

In her sworn affidavit, Iyer, who cared for Terri Schiavo from April 1995 until August of 1996, stated Terri used to talk to her as much as she could and frequently used what sounded like the word “pain.” She also interpreted Terri’s vocalizing at times as crying “help me.”

Terri responding to her mother in video clip available on

In contrast, the courts are operating on the finding of fact that Terri Schiavo is in a “persistant vegetative state” and does not intentionally respond to stimuli. The Schindlers insist that while Terri is severely handicapped, she recognizes them and interacts with laughter, crying, moans and attempts to form words.

Iyer says she was fired after notifying police about her suspicions.

While acknowledging she had no proof, the nurse said she suspects Michael Schiavo injected Terri, who normally has “very stable” blood sugar levels, with regular insulin to drive her into hypoglycemic shock during his visits.

“Terri would be trembling, crying hysterically and would be very pale and have cold sweats,” Iyer wrote. “So I’d check her blood sugar. The glucometer reading would be so low that it was below the range where it would register an actual number reading.”

Schiavo repeatedly and strenuously has denied allegations of abuse. Felos described the accusations as “a bunch of garbage.” He called caregivers’ claims Terri spoke to them “a fabrication.”

In the Fox News Channel interview today, Iyer said she saw needle marks under Terri Schiavo’s breast and groin after Michael Schiavo had been left in the closed room with her. A used syringe was found in the trash.

Iyer said that when Michael Schiavo found out she and another nurse were feeding Terri liquids and liquified foods, he warned he would get them fired if they didn’t stop.

These facts were not taken into consideration in the court cases, Iyer stated.

” … I think a gag order was put on all confidence things Terri had done,” Iyer said.

One of the Schindlers’ legal roadblocks is that in the original hearings more than 10 years ago, they followed the advice of a lawyer who had them agree to stipulate that Terri was in a “persistant vegetative state.”

Subsequently, they provided the court with “reams of medical evidence” indicating Terri could be rehabilitated, but the court would not consider it because of the stipulation, according to a spokesman, Gary McCullough.

“It was a huge error on the part of lawyers at the front end,” he said.

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Editor’s note: WorldNetDaily has been reporting on the Terri Schiavo story since 2002 – far longer than any other national news organization – and exposing the many troubling, scandalous, and possibly criminal, aspects of the case that to this day rarely surface in news reports. Read WorldNetDaily’s unparalleled, in-depth coverage of the life-and-death fight over Terri Schiavo, including over 150 original stories and columns.

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Recent commentaries:

Playing politics with Terri’s life

Supreme ignorance

A right to live … not to be killed