Vast right-wing conspiracy exposed!

By Richard Poe

Editor’s note: The following is an eye-opening look into New York Times best-selling author Richard Poe’s revealing book, “Hillary’s Secret War.” Whereas Edward Klein’s book on the New York senator reveals previously unknown aspects of her personal life, Poe’s expose focuses on how Hillary Clinton and the left’s “shadow government” have labored to put her and her far-left agenda in the White House by controlling the still-uncensored flow of real news to Americans – via the Internet.

If that sounds too fantastic to be true, read on.

All the world knows Hillary Clinton accused her foes of running a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Few understand, however, that Hillary regards the Internet as the most dangerous tool – indeed, the very linchpin – of that conspiracy.

From the beginning, Hillary has led the push for Internet regulation – a push which has reached crisis levels today through the ever-expanding power of the McCain-Feingold Act. The drive for Internet suppression had its origin in a secret report produced by Hillary’s Shadow Team in the summer of 1995. That report, titled “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” laid the groundwork for a wholesale assault on Internet freedom which continues to this day.

On Jan. 27, 1998, Hillary appeared on NBC’s “Today Show” with host Matt Lauer. Cyberjournalist Matt Drudge had broken the Monica Lewinsky story on his Drudge Report website 10 days earlier.

“The president has denied these allegations on all accounts, unequivocally,” she told Matt Lauer. Regarding the possibility of an affair between her husband and Miss Lewinsky, Hillary declared, “That is not going to be proven true.” Hillary then lashed out at her husband’s accusers:

[B]ill and I have been accused of everything, including murder, by some of the very same people who are behind these allegations … [T]hink of everything we’ve been accused of … videos, accusing my husband of committing murder, of drug running … [I]t’s part of an effort, frankly, to undo the results of two elections. … [I] do believe that this is a battle.

I mean, look at the very people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. This is the great story here, for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it, is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have kind of caught onto it and explained it, but it has not yet been fully revealed to the American public …

At the time, most listeners found Hillary’s statement puzzling. Who were these conspirators? What were their names? Hillary did not say. She did note, however, that “a few journalists” had “kind of caught onto it and explained it.”

Secret report

What Hillary neglected to say is that those “few journalists” who had “caught onto it” had not done so by accident. The White House had secretly briefed them. Journalists regarded as friendly to the Clinton regime were given copies of “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce.” In it, Hillary’s Shadow Team named names and spelled out exactly who and what Hillary meant when she spoke of a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” The report provided journalists with a blueprint for generating hit pieces to debunk the most prominent Clinton investigators and accusers.

Pittsburgh philanthropist and newspaper publisher Richard Mellon Scaife figured prominently in the conspiracy report. It also dwelt at length on Joseph Farah, the former editor of the Sacramento Union, whose Western Journalism Center had funded important investigative work on Clinton scandals, including the work of former New York Post reporter Christopher Ruddy, whose name also receives prominent mention in the conspiracy report.

The writers of the “Conspiracy Commerce” report accuse Scaife and his alleged henchmen with disseminating false charges against the Clintons through “fringe” right-wing media outlets – most notably through Farah’s Western Journalism Center, the American Spectator magazine and through Scaife’s flagship newspaper, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review – all three of which, the report noted, were supported wholly or in part by Scaife money. From these so-called “fringe” groups and publications, the “stream of conspiracy” then flowed to the Internet, where it reached “a far wider audience.”

“The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce” notes that, once posted to the Internet, these Scaife-funded conspiracy theories spread uncontrollably to all points of the globe – but specifically to the London Sunday Telegraph, whose Washington correspondent Ambrose Evans-Pritchard had written some of the most devastating reports on Clinton corruption.

Right-leaning publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, and the New York Post also gleaned Scaife-funded disinformation from the Internet and wrote stories based upon it, according to the report. Thus “laundered” and safely quarantined from their original source, the conspiracy tales then found their way into the files of congressional committees, at which point these Scaife-generated stories became fair game for respectable publications such as the Washington Post and the New York Times.

That was the gist of Hillary’s “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

The “unregulated” Internet

What made the whole system work was the Internet. The report singled out the World Wide Web as a special threat, devoting an entire section to the subject. It decried the Net as a perfect conduit for Scaife’s “stream” of “conspiracy commerce.” The report stated:

The Internet has become one of the major and most dynamic modes of communication. The Internet can link people, groups and organizations together instantly. Moreover, it allows an extraordinary amount of unregulated data and information to be located in one area and available to all. The right wing has seized upon the Internet as a means of communicating its ideas to people. Moreover, evidence exists that Republican staffers surf the Internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange ideas and information.

In some ways, “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce” did a fair job of explaining how certain parts of the New Media “food chain” operated in the mid-’90s. However, the report viewed this free flow of information not as a boon to liberty, but as a threat to the Clintons’ power. In his 1997 book “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton,” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard notes:

What was bothering the White House most about the Internet was the enormous amplification it gives to newsletters like Strategic Investment, or regional papers like the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, or even foreign publications like the Sunday Telegraph. In the 1980s, our stories would not have gained any traction. Now they are “posted” within hours of publication, and are then perused by the producers of the radio talk shows, who surf the Net in search of avant-garde material.

Even worse for the Clintons, the “Internet brigade” – as Evans-Pritchard affectionately dubbed the Web-based activists of that era – were beginning to make themselves heard beyond the Net. After boning up on the latest Clinton scandal posts at alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater or the Prodigy Whitewater board, the Internet Brigade would take to the phone lines, calling radio talk shows to hector Clinton defenders and faint-hearted Republicans alike.

Revisionist accounts of major media have succeeded in convincing many Americans today that the worst Clinton scandal was the one for which he was eventually impeached – the Monica Lewinsky affair. In reality, Miss Lewinsky did not emerge as an issue until the sixth year of the Clinton co-presidency, long after the more serious scandals had been swept under the carpet through the efficient – albeit highly illegal – work of Hillary’s Shadow Team.

When Hillary issued her “Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce” report in the summer of 1995, sex scandals were the last thing on her mind. The specific accusations which the report addressed had to do with a different subject entirely – the growing uproar over what has come to be known as the “Clinton body count.”

In short, they had to do with murder.

Joseph Farah, founder of and co-founder of WND Books says, “‘Hillary’s Secret War’ is not just an indictment of a woman now sitting in the U.S. Senate. It’s an expose of an authoritarian mindset that longs to regain power – and will stop at nothing to achieve its objective.” Order your copy of “Hillary’s Secret War” from the source, WorldNetDaily!

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Richard Poe

Richard Poe is a senior fellow at David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture. He serves as director of research and investigative projects for CSPC, and is a contributing editor of Poe has written nine books, the latest of which is "Hillary's Secret War: The Clinton Conspiracy to Muzzle Internet Journalists." The views expressed in Poe's articles for WorldNetDaily are the author's own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of David Horowitz or the CSPC.

Read more of Richard Poe's articles here.