It’s weird how people think of fetuses. Last week, the news was filled with academic debate on whether pulling them apart hurts them. I dissected a dead fetal pig in college, and that gets more reaction from people than talking about dissecting live fetal humans.
My oldest grandson was born at the gestational age of 25 weeks. He weighed two pounds at the time and went down to one pound, 11 ounces. Watching him struggle to live hurt so much. But I couldn’t do what came naturally. We weren’t allowed to stroke him. We were warned his skin was hypersensitive to touch, and caressing him would only distress him and make matters worse.
That was in 2000. A researcher wrote in Neonatal Network that same year of the “well documented” negative physiological changes in premature babies in response to mere “touch and handling” – never mind approaching them with needles and knives – that were “particularly pronounced in the smaller and sicker infants,” identified as those under 28 weeks.
These included changes in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rhythm and rate – including breathing stoppage – and neuroendocrine responses.
The “well documented” negative behavior responses of preemies to simple touch and handling included “startle reflex, increased movement, agitation and/or crying, or other observable avoidance responses.”
Some of the sources cited for that research were the Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, Archives of Disease and Childhood, Communication Nursing Research, Infant Behavior and Development, Pediatrics, Johnson and Johnson, and Dr. T.B. Brazelton.
But that was back in the Stone Age of human-development research. And those were babies under the age of 28 weeks, not fetuses. Fetuses are different, researchers now say, at least abortionist profiteering researchers say, with the pro-abortion American Medical Association and New York Times broadcasting what they say.
Those researchers tell us that in the ensuing five years prenatal babies have evolved into Super Fetuses who are now impervious to pain, proving the new Instant Big Pain Bang theory, that only upon delivery do human nervous systems begin sending “ouch” messages to the brain.
Back in the Ice Age of human-development research, 1987, the New England Journal of Medicine published a paper from Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital, citing 201 sources, documenting that fetuses as early as 20 weeks feel pain. An accompanying NEJM editorial called this research an “important contribution.”
It was considered an “important contribution” because, “[d]espite recommendations to the contrary in textbooks on pediatric anesthesiology, the clinical practice of inducing minimal or no anesthesia in newborns, particularly if they are premature, is widespread.”
Torture. Back then, doctors were committing torture on preemies by performing procedures on them without providing pain relief. That meant abortionists were committing torture on fetuses by drawing and quartering them without providing pain relief.
Almost 20 years later, the medical community has come a long way on the one hand. Doctors now routinely provide compassionate pain relief to neonates and preemies before performing procedures.
On the other hand, this so-called enlightened group demonstrates the darkest depravity and what would be laughable stupidity if the topic weren’t so critical by their increasingly convoluted attempts to rationalize how they can possibly condone abortion.
All to protect their self-idol worship in a world they’ve conjured in their minds where they are the gods who create human life in a petri dish, sustain human life in mothers’ bodies that wouldn’t normally sustain it, and destroy human life that isn’t perfect or anticipated to be born into a perfect situation.
Oh, and to keep making scads of money.
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Tucker Carlson