Women! Someday is today

By Vox Day

Is motherhood instinctive or learned behavior? Both religion and science tell us that it is instinctive, much to the distaste of the feminist ideologists, who have never been overburdened by a solid grasp on either. But one need only watch the way in which a young girl mothers her stuffed animals to see the maternal instinct at work.

This is not to say behavior that contradicts these instincts cannot be learned, only that the individual will always possess a certain level of instinct – and, for the purposes of this discussion, it does not matter if those instincts are instilled by evolution or a Creator God – that must be overcome by years of propaganda and social pressure.

Although the Equalitarian Society is now, by most statistical measures, structured so as to favor its female members, it nevertheless poses a cruel choice to those women cursed by its costly blessings. Consider the words of Melissa Cole Essig, who writes in Newsweek of her difficulty in getting pregnant at 39:

As certain as I am that now is the right time for me to have my children, it’s hard not to blame myself for how difficult it’s turning out to be.

Nature, it seems, would disagree. And a woman foolish enough to wait more than two decades before attempting to have children has no one to blame but herself. As for the likelihood that the technological future will eventually solve such problems, it is worth noting that no society that possesses artificial wombs, robot sex dolls, multiplayer video games and 24-hour sports networks is one in which men are likely to show a tremendous amount of interest in relationships or the opposite sex.

Fortunately, as we have not yet reached Nerdvana, there are a number of steps that a woman whose priority remains marriage and children can take in order to happily achieve those goals:

  1. Don’t engage in casual dating relationships after 18. They’re fun, and they’ll also prevent you from pursuing more fruitful relationships.

  2. Make those potential long-term relationships your top priority. If you put college or your job first, there’s a reasonable chance that a job is all you’ll have at 40 … and 60. Consider the president’s new Supreme Court nominee. The unmarried and childless Creepy McCrypto is on the verge of becoming one of the two most powerful professional women in the country – does she really represent the ideal American woman?

  3. Settle earlier rather than later. I can’t tell you how many women I know who blew off good men in their late teens and early 20s who now regret doing so. Those who are not still single at 35 are now married to men generally considered to be of lower quality than the men they spurned before. Remember, your choices narrow as you get older, while men’s choices broaden.

  4. Let everyone know that marriage and children is your ultimate goal. Too many women, fearing the wrath of the Sisterhood, secretly wish for them while publicly and piously professing feminist-approved cant to the contrary.

  5. Bait-and-switch doesn’t work. Unlike their female counterparts, men who say they don’t want to get married or have kids usually mean it. Play that game and he’ll be perfectly justified in dumping your dishonest posterior despite your time-investment in him.

  6. Don’t hesitate to end relationships that aren’t leading toward marriage, or with men who are less than completely positive about the near-term prospect of children. If he hasn’t proposed in 18 months, he has no intention of doing so. Cut your losses. Most men know how to string women along and know they’ll have no problem replacing you when you finally call their bluff. Never confuse the masculine desire for conflict avoidance with malleability.

  7. Shed your man-hating friends, as well as those who buy seriously into the Equalitarian dogma. Misery loves company and miserable women like nothing better than to make everyone within a five-mile radius miserable, too.

  8. Be brutal when assessing the men who are interested in you. Too many women make the mistake of looking only at a man’s desirable traits and ignoring his weaknesses early on. But it’s not the first kiss that matters – it’s the happily-ever-after part. The way he treats others is the way he will eventually treat you.

  9. If you want the odds of easily bearing healthy children to be in your favor, set a goal of marrying by 25. You can always go back to school, you can’t go back in time.

  10. Remember that love is a choice, an action and a commitment, it is not a feeling.

Vox Day

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of "The Return of the Great Depression" and "The Irrational Atheist." He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli. Read more of Vox Day's articles here.