There’s a raging battle going on right now for the future of the Middle East and one man is doing his dead-level best to undermine our security needs and objectives in this volatile region.
What is most scary of all is that man will cost American lives as a result of his foolish and dangerous actions.
Yes, that one man is Jimmy Carter, and it’s time to stop him.
Specifically, the Congress of the United States (as the people’s representative) must issue a resolution of censure against Jimmy Carter.
Hurting America over and over
More than 25 years after we thought we had relegated him to slinging a hammer and nail for poor people, he’s back, meddling in international affairs.
Jimmy Carter has become increasingly consumed with vengeful determination to hurt this administration while it is trying to bring stability to some of the most critical regions around the globe.
Pathologically, Carter has set out to prove us all wrong by siding with America’s enemies to show it is the United States that stands in the way of world peace.
It’s infuriating enough to watch the one time peanut farmer from Plains, Ga., propping up anti-American dictators like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, North Korea’s Kim Sung Il, or Cuba’s Fidel Castro.
But what scares the hell out of most of us who see the world as it really is and not as we wish it to be is Carter’s efforts to take away the tools we need to fight against Islamic terrorism, which poses a real threat to American security at home. See the movie, “United 93,” in case you forgot about 9-11.
The Iranian crisis
Who can forget Jimmy Carter’s true legacy: The impotent do-nothing policy in response to the Islamic fundamentalist crisis in Iran that led directly to waves of revolutionary fervor and ended in a 444-day hostage crisis.
Henry Precht, the State Department’s country director for Iran during the Iranian crisis admits that the failures in Iran by the Carter administration allowed for Islamofacism to reach new heights.
“There had never been an Islamic revolution” prior to the Iranian situation, Precht acknowledged to the Middle East Journal.
When Jimmy Carter piously backed away from the Shah’s regime in Iran, as Islamic revolutionaries were rioting in the streets, he sentenced the world to a pandemic of Islamic extremist violence for decades to come.
The Iranian military officials who were loyal to the shah (and anti-communist and opposed to the religious extremism of Khomeini) were working to quell the uprising by the Islamic revolutionaries. However, Jimmy Carter used his presidential authority, instructing the Iranian military officials to withdraw their support for the shah, and allowing Khomeini to seize power.
We are all now condemned to suffering the consequences of Carter’s miserable failure in Iran.
If you are of a certain age, you no doubt remember Iranian students and Islamic radicals storming the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Who can forget the video images of young thugs running wild in the streets, taking American diplomats and Marines hostage?
Predictably the Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime executed thousands of political opponents, including those same military leaders from the Shah’s government who had been told by Carter to stand down.
Here in the United States, Jimmy Carter did little to quell violent protests by Iranian radicals who took to the streets outside the White House, and turned even Beverly Hills into a scene of violence.
Did Jimmy Carter learn any lessons?
Undeterred by Islamic radicalism
One might think that the humiliation he suffered as a result of his failures in Iran might make him aware of the dangers posed by Islamic extremists who are consumed with a palpable hatred for the West.
Instead, Jimmy Carter has made it his personal mission to side with the proponents of radical Islam over U.S. and Israeli interests time and time again.
When British writer Salman Rushdie wrote “The Satanic Verses,” a critical account of Islam and the Prophet Muhammed, Islamofacists turned violent once more.
Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwah calling for the death of Rushdie and backed it up with a $3 million bounty. Bookstores that carried Rushdie’s book (including those in the United States) were firebombed. Riots broke out in front of British embassies around the globe. Rushdie’s Japanese translator was stabbed to death. So too was his Italian translator. His Norwegian publisher was shot in an attack outside his house.
So what did Jimmy Carter do? He turned the humiliation inside out, protesting the negative reaction by Westerners to the violent acts of Islamic extremists.
Carter wrote in a New York Times op-ed that while, “Rushdie’s First Amendment freedoms are important, we have tended to promote him and his book with little acknowledgement that it is a direct insult to those millions of Moslems whose sacred beliefs have been violated …”
Carter insisted that we must not be too mean to the Islamofacist regime in Tehran. “To sever diplomatic relations with Iran over this altercation is an overreaction that could be quite costly in future years. Tactful public statements and private discussions could still defuse this explosive situation.”
Terrorists good, Westerners bad
Talk about “explosive situations,” Jimmy Carter hasn’t met a terrorist bomber that he didn’t defend.
When Palestinian terrorist groups were setting off suicide bombs in Israel to slaughter innocent civilians, Carter’s response was to go to the Middle East and condemn not the terrorists, but the Israeli government for not playing nice with the terrorists.
When Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, announced he would pay the families of Palestinian terrorists $25,000 for each suicide bombing committed against Israeli citizens, Carter responded by defending Hussein and fighting to lift the U.N. sanctions imposed on Iraq.
Carter went so far as to welcome Iraqi intelligence agent, Samir Vincent, into Carter’s Atlanta area home and treated him to a night on the town. Samir Vincent even became a business associate of Jimmy Carter’s friends in a business venture called “A World of Friends.”
In the most recent elections in the Palestinian territory, Carter rushed to the team to serve as an election observer, hoping to get a little more time in the limelight from the liberal media that loves to promote his “Blame America First” mentality.
Just as he had praised the electoral process that Hugo Chavez had manipulated to achieve power in Venezuela, Carter heralded the Palestinian elections that brought to power the terrorist group, Hamas, as a model for others to follow.
Hamas has called for a nuclear strike against Israel that would wipe it off the map. Despite the fact that they are the most violent and deadly of the Palestinian terrorist groups, they nonetheless have no greater ally or spokesperson in the United States than Jimmy Carter.
Carter’s empathy with Palestinian terrorists knows no bounds. Upon the death of PLO terrorist Yasser Arafat, Carter issued a statement glorifying Arafat’s bloody reign and taking yet another cheap shot against his own American government:
A powerful human symbol and forceful advocate, Palestinians united behind him in their pursuit of a homeland. While he provided indispensable leadership to a revolutionary movement and was instrumental in forging a peace agreement with Israel in 1993, he was excluded from the negotiating role in more recent years.
Jimmy Carter needs to be stopped
The friends of the United States and her people are not Islamic terrorists. We are not well served if the goals pursued by Yasser Arafat and Hamas are successfully implemented.
Jimmy Carter’s actions drove a stake into our national security objectives by allowing the rise of Islamofacist regimes in the Middle East.
Yet, time and again, Jimmy Carter has turned his aw-shucks smile onto the world stage to lobby on behalf of those who mean America harm. He excuses the violent acts of terrorist groups and their leaders, and he feels comfortable making personal friendships with the agents of terrorist groups who have the blood of Americans on their hands.
Jimmy Carter is dishonoring our troops by speaking out against their missions in the war on terrorism. He has viciously criticized the actions of our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel.
Well, no longer.
Today, the Censure Carter Committee, an organization I lead, will debut a national TV advertising campaign calling upon the Congress of the United States to issue a resolution of censure against Jimmy Carter.
Please, join with tens of thousands of other Americans who have called upon Congress to censure Jimmy Carter.
Let us have Congress go on record so that leaders around the world can know that Jimmy Carter does not represent our views when he undermines American foreign policy interests.
Sign the Censure Carter petition and help us stop Jimmy Carter before he does any more harm to America’s national security interests.
When government fails, it costs people their lives
Mark Levin