The sound of silencing

By Craig R. Smith

There are certain sounds that are so familiar that when heard everyone knows what they are. The sound of a cell phone that pierces the silence of a church service. The crying of a sick baby. That horrific “thud” that two-ton automobiles make when the accidentally get in each other’s way. The sound of silence from women’s-rights violations in Iran … it can only be that of NOW.

You guessed it: The National Organization of Women – the self proclaimed defenders of the female species has said about as much over the inhuman abuses of women in Iran as they did about the abuse of Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones.

Oh, did I forget Monica? Oops, that was consensual. Sorry!

The current world record holder for incendiary rhetoric, Iran’s Ahmadinejad, has now decided to reverse the decision to allow women in Iran to attend soccer matches and the world sits by in silence. This modern-day Nazi has called for the destruction of Israel and death to all Americans during his relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Look, I can see the world overlooking the president of Iran calling for a modern-day Armageddon, but women not being able to go to soccer matches? Give me a break. Where is the human outcry by Kim Gandy and the feminists at NOW? Millions of women are living in the hell of servitude to the ayatollahs and imams, who believe women have less value then oxen. They are forced to wear burkas, and walk steps behind men, and yet Gandy is silent. If NOW was as motivated to eliminate the ayatollahs as they are about killing the unborn in America, this problem would be resolved overnight. Of course, I still haven’t reconciled in my mind how Gandy and company can allow the abortion of female babies that clearly need protection. I guess it is really the National Organization of adult Women.

In 1935, there was an eerily familiar-sounding pervert who was writing outrageous letters, and by 1938 was making similar statements in Europe to the ones we are now hearing from Iran. The world sat by in silence, much like today, and within a few short years, over 6 million innocent Jews were slaughtered like animals. Hitler killed many others as well – Russians, Jews, gypsies and any others he thought deserved to be removed from the Earth. He also embraced abortion as a “viable medical procedure” to achieve his sick and twisted goals. Today, in 2006 ,the world has a venomous mad man foaming at the mouth, just like we heard in 1938.

Will the world sit by and watch? Will the sound of silence be heard through the ears of regret when it could have been stopped? NOW, where are your thousands of screaming feminists when your noise could really do some good? We know you fall silent to the screams of the unborn females of the world, but how about the adult females in Tehran? I thought NOW championed the rights of all women?

Soon Israel will have a population of 6 million. I can only hope and pray the sound of courage will drown out the sound of silence. Otherwise, the sound of silencing will start to take hold across the world and killers like Ahmadinejad will kill and destroy in much the same fashion as other crazed leaders have killed in the past. The only difference this time, it will be with the assistance of the atomic age. This leader is enriching uranium. To quote my friend and co-author Jerome Corsi, “Terrorists don’t stockpile weapons, they use them.” Make no mistake about Iran’s intentions: They will use these weapons they are acquiring. They do not want to negotiate. They want Israel to disappear and America to soon follow.

There are certain events in world history that only time can reveal just how differently they should have been addressed. The Holocaust could have – and should have – been avoided. It was and remains to this day a permanent stain on human history. The wholesale slaughter of millions of unborn children has been allowed in the world while many sit back in silence – the net result is the silencing of millions of innocent lives. How long will the world allow Iran’s leader to threaten other nations before someone steps up and condemns and demands it to stop? Will millions have to be silenced before good men call evil what it is – evil? How many more children will have to die before we call such practices a stain on human history?

You can tell a lot about a society by how it treats the women and children of that society. Apparently, even the professed champions of women and children do nothing to stop the abuse in Iran. This is an issue that both sides could and should come together on, and yet they don’t. I guess there is no political capital to be gained – and no contributions to continue – to promote an agenda, so many may die. That is if the sounds of silencing are allowed to continue.

I’m sure by now you are scratching your head as to why I have linked the actions of Ahmadinejad and abortionists as similar? If you haven’t gotten it by now, I suppose you won’t get it even if I explain it to you in detail. They are virtually one in the same. You see, when killing of any kind can be rationalized – or worse, justified – it continues. The killers are seen as heroes vs. what they really are. They are on a mission that many will buy into and maybe even die for. We know that now about Hitler, and I suppose it is only a matter of time before we know it about Ahmadinejad.

Craig R. Smith

Craig R. Smith is an author, commentator and popular media guest because he instantly engages audiences with his common-sense analyses of local, national and global trends. Serving as CEO of Swiss America for over 25 years, Craig understands that Americans want solid answers to the tough questions and that real leadership begins with servanthood. Craig's most recent book is "Crashing the Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse," which he co-authored with Lowell Ponte. For media interviews please call Bronwin Barilla at 800-950-2428. Read more of Craig R. Smith's articles here.