The great black hope for GOP

By Joseph Farah

I don’t know about you, but I see a dearth of leadership in America.

Where are the Ronald Reagans?

Are there any on the horizon?

Well, I think I have spotted one.

Ken Blackwell (Photo:

His name is Kenneth Blackwell and he is running for governor of Ohio on the Republican ticket.

It’s going to be a tough year for Blackwell, given the extent to which his party has alienated the American people. Even worse, in his own state, the GOP organization has been mired in breathtaking scandal.

But emerging from the ashes is a courageous, principled leader with a capital L.

He may represent the one bright spot in Republican politics this year. And he is a rising star the whole nation will come to know and love if he is successful in his bid for the top executive position in the big industrial state.

This week, he lays out the specifics of his plans – not only for Ohio, but for the nation – in “Rebuilding America,” published by WND Books.

Here’s a politician with whom I’m proud to be associated.

Judging from the rhetoric in Ohio, he’s also the Democratic Party’s worst nightmare – a conservative black man who threatens to break up the opposition party’s plantation-like control of black American votes.

They’re practically in hysterics already in Ohio. This week, his white Democratic opponent for the governorship accused Blackwell of engineering a plot to deprive his fellow blacks of the right to vote in the 2004 election.

A spokesman for Blackwell, Carlo LoParo, pointing out how “irresponsible” Rep. Ted Strickland’s comments were, added that the would-be governor – now promising black voters he will stack his cabinet with blacks – has never employed an African-American staff member.

You know how that works – watch what I say, not what I do.

Blackwell, 58, is a former mayor of Cincinnati and a former Ohio treasurer. He was the first African American to be elected statewide, in 1994.

He believes his recipe of rebuilding America’s urban areas through private enterprise, and America’s families through moral renewal, will resonate with both black and white Ohioans.

After reading his great book, co-authored by our own Jerome Corsi, I’m happy to say I believe it, too. And I believe Blackwell is just the guy to lead us to the Promised Land.

Blackwell championed the successful 2004 ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage in Ohio. This year, he is promoting a state constitutional amendment that would impose tight spending limitations on state and local governments.

He’s what I call a 100 percenter – pro-life, pro-family, in favor of limited government, the Constitution, free enterprise, personal responsibility, self-reliance and a practicing Christian.

Even Strickland admits Blackwell has the potential to cut into the black vote in November. That’s why he is campaigning hard in black communities – normally taken for granted by Democratic politicians.

Meanwhile, Blackwell is hoping his book, “Rebuilding America: A Prescription for Creating Strong Families, Building the Wealth of Working People, And Redeveloping Our Cities,” will not only help him get his message out in Ohio, but, also, position his candidacy as a nationwide cause.

Are you ready to get on board?

Are you, too, looking for some new political blood in America?

Are you eager to see some real leadership exhibited once more in our nation?

Do you think a little principle could go a long way to restoring our country?

Then take my advice. Read Ken Blackwell’s “Rebuilding America.”

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.