The monumental deception

By Barbara Simpson

Nevada’s Sen. Harry Reid calls it “racist.”

California’s Sen. Boxer raises the issue of “shame.”

All this, over a simple amendment to the immigration bill, which would establish English as the official language of this country.

You remember “this country” don’t you?

The United States? The United States of America?

Yeah, that’s it. The country founded by thoughtful, brave and eloquent men who spoke English and wrote our founding documents – the roadmap for our future and our successes – in the English language.

You can go to Washington and see the original documents. You can read them and know what they outline for the new country they were creating.

Well, you could read them if you could read and speak English. If not, you’d be out of luck.

Then again, maybe not.

If the likes of Reid and Boxer and others in Congress have their way, “this country” will bend over backward to make other languages the equal of English and, in the process, will embody in the law that lawbreaking is OK – no matter what the language!

On top of that, lawbreaking will be rewarded.

How about that as a lesson for “new citizens”?

How about that for a lesson to our children? The law is up for grabs. Whatever floats your boat – go for it.

The Senate passed the amendment establishing English as the national language, but it was followed immediately by another amendment calling English the “common unifying language.”

It’s just a clever way to get around the law – rather than requiring English for all business, it allows other languages in use now to remain as is, i.e., translators in courts and hospitals, bilingual school classes, phone messages, contracts, voting … you name it.

So, typically of today’s politicians, they voted for English only, and then modified it so it was virtually cancelled.

So much for intestinal fortitude.

In another incredible move, the Senate rejected a proposal by Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., to prevent illegals who gain citizenship to collect Social Security on wages earned while they were working illegally.

So much for common sense and fiscal responsibility.

The Senate also approved an amendment providing for a 370-mile fence along the border. What about the rest of the open border? Supposedly there’ll be more Border Patrol agents and posting of the National Guard, though we’re told they’ll not be very visible.


Who’ll pay for them? Where will the money come from? Who’ll coordinate it? What happens if states don’t cooperate?

Quien sabe, senor.

What’s going on in Congress concerning what is euphemistically called “immigration reform” is so much more than that. It’s a betrayal of all we are, and all we’ve been, and of everything we’ve worked for and fought and died to preserve.

And yet, under the Constitution, Congress has the power to regulate immigration.

But they’re not regulating “immigration.” They’re looking only at the massive invasion of this country by people crossing our southern border with Mexico. Most of those people are Mexican and our elected officials are cravenly selling us out.

That’s not their only mistake. Another is that they think people don’t see what they’re doing. They do and this whole farce may just blow up in their faces, both on Election Day and how people will finally react when they realize fully what’s being done not only to them, but to the United States.

This country will never be the same. The Constitution – and all it stands for – is in the process of being trashed. The future of this country is at stake and these elected snakes-in-the-grass are causing it to happen. And when questions are raised about their actions, they resort to ridicule and the race card. As though that makes it OK.

It doesn’t. Even Harry Reid saw that when he was given a note on the floor of the Senate from James Inhofe, R-Okla., who had offered the English-language amendment. Clearly Inhofe didn’t consider himself a racist and Reid quickly said he wasn’t “suggesting” that.

Really? Words don’t have meaning? Reid knows better. He was calling Inhofe racist, just as he was similarly defaming every single person who believes this country should have an official language and that it should be English. A recent Zogby International Poll showed that 84 percent of Americans support that, as do 77 percent of Hispanics.

Apparently to Reid, all of them are racists.

Reid and politicians like him, are not only traitors to the country, but to the people who voted them into office in the na?ve belief that regardless of their party affiliation, people elected to the highest political offices would ultimately have the best interests of the country at heart.

Those voters were wrong and they’ve been monumentally deceived – not only over the years as Washington ignored the growing and massive illegal-alien problem, but now, as their efforts to solve or correct the problem are reduced to caving in to the pressures of electioneering, big business and international face-saving.

Ultimately, they’ll grant amnesty to blatant and unrepentant lawbreakers who are not here to become Americans, but just to be here to benefit from what we have.

Of course, they don’t call it amnesty, but it is. Illegals will essentially be allowed to stay, will be allowed to bring in extended families, will be able to fast-track to citizenship, will not be required to speak English, will continue to receive all the social-welfare benefits for housing, food, school, medicine, driving, legal representation and, of course, voting.

I just received my sample ballot for the upcoming election – it’s in English and Spanish. I didn’t request that. Why is it done automatically? Imagine – all Spanish speakers automatically get to vote in Spanish! Are Hispanics are so powerful they get a free ride? Apparently so.

Other foreigners have to request a ballot in their language. Why aren’t they given a ballot in our language?

Are these foreign-speaking people citizens? Who knows?

Are they asked for identification? No.

Does anyone in authority care? Apparently not.

And, I’m sorry to say, that includes local, state and federal officials, right up to President Bush, who seems all too willing to sacrifice not only our national security and sovereignty, but also our American culture and identity.

Unfortunately for us – the United States – the president seems to believe his plan is the middle ground, which will shore up his GOP base. He could not be more wrong. The pro-illegals want more and the anti-illegals can see through him. He’s in a no-win situation and he’s taking the wrong side. It’s more than disappointing. The spine of the man, which was visible when addressing terrorists after 9-11, has withered as he faces a terrorism of another – and more insidious – sort.

It isn’t racism to speak of our American identity, just as it’s not racism for other countries to be proud of their heritage. But we’ve come to a point where criticism of the United States isn’t enough. We’re at a point where the goal is to destroy us – the United States.

At the rate we’re going, the radical Islamists must be moving up their timetable for our takeover.

The reaction to news of the proposed border fence led to a joint news conference in Mexico City involving the foreign ministers of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Mexico. They condemned the fence.

Even the United Nations doesn’t recognize the “illegality” of foreigners crossing our borders at will.

The day this country becomes so Balkanized that huge numbers of illegals are given the rights of legal status – and their numbers are allowed to grow to a proportion beyond minority numbers – you can kiss this country goodbye. It’ll be all over for the United States as we know it and we can thank the people we elected for speeding us on our way.

Although he’s opposed to the immigration bill, which includes the guest-worker provision, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, says he thinks the bill will pass next week because of pressure to get it done before Memorial Day. Politics again.

He also says the Senate “should be ashamed.”

Sorry Senator, those people have no shame.

Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her radio talk-show audience, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Read more of Barbara Simpson's articles here.