Conservatives seek ‘higher ground’

By Rusty Humphries

Irony of ironies. Who would have thought debating illegal immigration would create more problems for Republicans than for those illegally entering our country? As of this writing, moderate Republicans are poised to deport conservatives who don’t share their views on immigration, thus making room in this country for illegals incapable of spelling “moderate,” “conservative,” or “illegal.”

Is this the beginning of an uncivil war within the Republican Party?

The battle today is between conservatives who desire a long-term solution and elected members of Congress – especially Senate Republicans – who seem more interested in not offending potential new voters or their sympathizers.

I’ve been on the border, north and south. It’s time we support the Border Patrol. They’re chasing illegals on foot and tracking them by imprints in the sand. To date, we haven’t made a serious attempt to seal the border. Are 6,000 National Guard troops enough? No, but the president deserves credit for the start.

Sen. John Ensign of Nevada proposed legislation making Social Security taxes paid by illegals unavailable at retirement. They would have access to contributions paid in when they were legal, but the Senate shot that down. They even watered down a proposal making English the “official language.” If the Senate can’t pass these common-sense amendments, they aren’t serious about a long-term solution – they are the problem.

By the way, a $1,000 fine to get on the pathway to citizenship? I would get fined more for throwing a coke can out my window on the freeway.

Conservatives view current legislation as a series of watered-down measures. Moderate or less conservative Senate Republicans say they are being fair – they’ve taken the “middle ground.” This is not an area where we can play word games. Our country is at stake! I don’t care if it’s the Republicans or Democrats who have the best idea – I want what’s best for my country. Our “leaders” seem to care more for their powerful jobs than for doing what’s right. Maybe it’s time to deport them from D.C.

Look, if your kid is smoking dope, you don’t seek “middle ground.” You tell them what is best today, tomorrow and forever. You don’t propose they cut their drug use in half. If taking drugs is a problem, “middle ground” won’t do. “Middle ground” is not fair or reasonable just because a senator says it is.

Conservatives are criticized for standing firm on their long-held beliefs regarding illegal immigration. We’re told shutting down our borders is “unreasonable,” that deporting illegals isn’t compassionate.

Hey, it’s OK to disagree with conservatives. We are comfortable in the arena of ideas. But to suggest we are engaging in destructive behavior because we don’t see your “middle ground” as being effective is simply not the case. Conservatives have been speaking out on illegal immigration for years! We’re not new to the issue. Disagree with us? Fine. Accuse us of being destructive – or worse, racist – for not compromising on what we believe are weak, long-term policies? That’s flat wrong.

Conservatives seek “higher ground,” not “middle ground.”

Illegal immigration impacts our society on a variety of levels. Get this wrong and we permanently change the country in ways we can’t imagine. Diluting the American culture dilutes the American dream. It even dilutes our ability to find “middle ground” in the future! National issues require dialog between those familiar with our culture and history. Let in another 100 million illegals and see how they define, “middle ground.” And, don’t forget for one instant: Democrats are actively trolling for new voters in this debate. This is the same party looking to give felons the right to vote. Democrats aren’t looking for “middle ground.” They are looking to exploit Republican attempts to solve a massive problem. They occupy the “lower ground.”

Poll-i-ticians seek “middle ground.” Moderates seek comfort and inspiration from flash polls, the source be damned! These are elected officials – professional popularity contest winners – whose principles are found in the latest survey of 1,000 likely voters. That’s problem-solving? That’s how poll-i-ticians cut deals.

If cutting a deal would stop illegal immigration, then by all means, let’s make a deal. But if a “middle ground” deal gives us 100 million new illegal immigrants over the next 20 years and if Democrats get 12 million new voters right away, then what are we doing?

Let’s do the right thing. Let’s solve the problem … forever. Let’s occupy a “higher ground.”

Rusty Humphries

Rusty Humphries is a nationally syndicated talk-radio host who is heard in over 200 cities across America. You can find more information about Humphries on his website. Read more of Rusty Humphries's articles here.