”Your President is lying to you.”
”This war is illegal.”
”You can’t win the war.”
These phrases have been repeated over and over again by voices in the Democratic Party. Why in the world, during a time of war, would any American publicly say things so inflammatory and negative while troops are in harm’s way?
Why would folks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, John Kerry, and Al Gore and friends continue this daily dose of Democratic attack on the president in his efforts to fight the war on terror? What is it that motivates members of Congress to openly berate with words like ”liar,” ”betrayal,” ”illegal”?’
It is very obvious to me that the Democrats who have engaged in such attacks are willing to do whatever it takes to destroy this president. Even if it means providing support to the enemies of our country. I am tired of hearing of wounded soldiers returning home after sacrificing for their country to be greeted with the swill we hear from the Democratic critics of the war and our president.
Keep in mind that many of these same Democrats voted to send the soldiers into war in the first place but now choose to denounce everything about the war. Do they not know what they are doing to our troops and the families of soldiers that have paid the ultimate price? Apparently not, otherwise they would not claim support of the troops yet continue to attack the commander in chief. I have not heard very many soldiers come home and voice anything less than total support of our efforts in Iraq. Rest assured the media would parade any critical soldiers non-stop if they existed.
The words being used are carefully designed to erode public support of the war and continue the relentless attack on the president, vice president, attorney general or anyone else who would appear to be doing the right thing by staying the course. The voices of the ”cut and run” crowd on the left are crafting words in such a way that right is wrong and wrong is right. Definitions of words change daily. Of course, this is typical of the Democratic Party given their golden boy had a rather tough time with the definition of the word ”is.” I think, however, there is a deeper agenda here that I have yet to hear expressed by any of the pundits.
I received an e-mail from a dear friend the other day that reminded me of a time in American history when similar language was used. During World War II, our enemies developed a method specifically designed to demoralize our troops fighting for the future of the Free World. It was a method that, after years of development, psychological warfare experts were confident would have a devastating effect on American GIs. These experts produced scripts that were provided to a famous broadcaster who, everyday, would package three main points in different ways while the core message remained the same:
- Your president is lying to you
- This war is illegal
- You cannot win this war
The famous broadcaster was ”Tokyo Rose.” Each day her goal was clear. Do everything she could do to impact the fighting men in hopes of one day breaking their morale and ultimately causing them to give up. She failed. The American GI was focused on the mission. He was resolved to fight the good fight and make his country proud. Honor was the highest calling, not scoring points in the media.
Listen closely to the words coming from the Democrats and you will hear, verbatim, the same words used by ”Tokyo Rose” with one slight difference. Reid and Pelosi claim to support our troops before they demoralize them. Hey, wait a minute. ”Tokyo Rose” told our soldiers she was on their side just like the Democrats are telling our troops today. I guess there is no difference.
”Tokyo Rose” had one radio station to spew her message to the troops. Ted Kennedy and company have ABC, CBS, NBC, cable news outlets and any of the liberal newspapers to propagate their hate speech.
But I have news for them all. Just as ”Tokyo Rose” underestimated the resolve and strength of the American fighting men, so have the Democrats underestimated the resolve of the American people.
I, for one, see through their cheap politicking. I see what they wish to accomplish. They are willing to embrace a ”scorched-earth policy” if that’s what it takes to destroy George Bush. Is it worth the ultimate price this type of approach may cost each one of us? Failure in Iraq would embolden every terrorist and legitimize terror as an effective weapon against any nation willing to quit.
I truly believe most Americans are tired of politics and politicians. We want statesmen. Statesmen live by principle. Politicians live by polls and power.
So this Memorial Day, I want to thank the men and women who have served this county and continue to make us a great nation despite the leaders who seem to have no problem spitting on their service.
I, for one, am on the side of our military and law enforcement personnel, unashamedly and unconditionally, no matter how public opinion may sway. They are the strength, the courage and the greatest heroes of this nation. We, the people, are forever in their debt for the price they have paid and continue to pay for our freedom and the well-being of the world. Their sacrifice makes the world a better place for all of its citizens.
They will never cut and run like the left suggest. Will you?
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