3rd-party freedom lovers unite!

By Vox Day

And for Republicans, the most shocking, most shameful thing of all is that this act to vastly swell the number of future Democratic voters, to bring about “the greatest expansion of the welfare state in 35 years” (Robert Rector), to kick working-class Americans in the teeth, to render meaningless the very concepts of our nation and our citizenship – in fact, to shove U.S. citizens off the sidewalk so that foreigners can be awarded special privilieges not available to us – this appalling monstrosity was cheered through by a Republican Senate at the urging of a Republican president. For shame, for shame, for shame. – John Derbyshire, National Review Online, May 26, 2006

Congress had a chance to come out swinging against corruption – to demonstrate, amid a slew of tawdry scandals, its recognition that public officials are subject to the same laws as ordinary citizens. The Republican leadership in particular should have seen an opportunity to redirect attention from its caucus’ lapses to a Democrat’s crude criminality. They chose, instead, to rally around an apparent swindler. We can think of 100,000 reasons why this will be remembered as an unparalleled blunder. – The editors, National Review, May 25, 2006

For five years, Republicans have been wondering what in the world is going on inside the minds of their leaders. To be sure, there were no shortage of treacherous stabs in the back even before the current president’s father was asking the American people to read his lips, but those could be explained away as political strategies – however incompetent – and individual failings.

And the Republican leadership always found the grass roots willing to swallow such betrayals in the name of the long march toward power. Conservatives were able to tolerate much in the name of expanding the big tent and obtaining Republican majorities in the House, Senate and Supreme Court to provide a Republican president with what Ronald Reagan lacked, effective partnership across the three branches of federal government.

But Republicans have looked on, aghast, as the man they believed would be Reagan’s heir instead turned out to be the illegitimate heir to Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Baines Johnson. From his bizarre dabbles in Islamic theology to his enthusiastic embrace of activist, ever-expanding central government power, George W. Bush has sold out every Christian, every nationalist, every constitutionalist, every libertarian and every conservative in the Republican Party.

Still, while this was tremendously disappointing to the na?ve grass roots, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. It is a family tradition, after all. But what appears to have finally proven to be the last straw for even Republican die-hards is the way in which the entire Republican congressional leadership joined him in his rush to sell out America’s national sovereignty and, even more mystifyingly, defended Democratic politicians – their nominal enemies – from the consequences of their criminal actions.

As Arthur Conan Doyle once wrote, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

It is now impossible to argue Republican politicians are any different than Democratic politicians with regard to their intrinsic ideology or their long-term goals for the nation. The intraparty debate merely concerns the speed with which the Constitution is abandoned, the sovereign rights of Man are eliminated and global federalist government is instituted.

Reform is impossible. One can no more reform a political party than one can reform a Fortune 500 corporation. Competition is the only answer; if one does not like IBM’s computers, one does not apply for a job in IBM’s mail room in the hopes of one day becoming CEO and changing the company’s direction, one starts a company selling rival computers. There are a plethora of examples of successful reformations by competition in the corporate world, and one can even find them in American political history; where are the Whigs today?

There are certainly ideological differences between ”third” parties such as the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party and the current American Party, but these pale in comparison with each parties differences with the bi-factional ruling party of Democratic-Republicans. It is time to set differences aside and form an American Alliance that subscribes to the following three arch-principles:

  1. The sovereign rights of the individual Man.
  2. Constitutional literalism and originalism.
  3. Absolute national sovereignty.

Could not even a conscientious Green sign on to that? Everything else is secondary, because without those three principles, all else can be modified at the momentary whim of those who hold the levers of power. Yes, the birth of a competitive new party will take time; yes, it would mean a Rodham presidency in 2008 (although since the Lizard Queen’s victory is already in the cards, that’s a feeble objection), but the reality is this:

You are either with the concept of American liberty or against it. The Democratic-Republicans have proven themselves to be firmly against it. Either an American Alliance will restore America to herself, or her people will be swallowed up by the bureaucratic Brussels on the Potomac that is now aborning.

Related special offer:

“Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy”

Vox Day

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of "The Return of the Great Depression" and "The Irrational Atheist." He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli. Read more of Vox Day's articles here.