Without God, the world is a moral cesspool.
If you want proof of that old adage, look no further than the Netherlands – and, soon, in your own back yard.
The Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party has been formed and officially registered. Its platform? Cutting the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16, the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals.
Eventually, the party makes clear, it wants to eliminate all age-of-consent laws, not out of any desire to prey upon children, you understand, but only because ”a ban just makes children curious,” explains Ad van den Berg, one of the party’s founders. They have the best interests of children in mind, you see. If you are to believe the party’s propaganda, members actually want to reduce the number of adult-child sexual relationships by taking the mystique out of them.
”We want to get into Parliament so we have a voice,” van den Berg says. ”Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals.”
As if?
Suddenly, or maybe not so suddenly, the unthinkable has become thinkable. It’s not just in Europe. It’s right here in the U.S. It’s not just in California or Massachusetts. It’s in all 50 states.
Let me tell you what I think is happening behind such trends.
Evil people are pushing evil schemes. And good people are doing next to nothing to stop them.
But it’s even worse than that.
There’s a quote often attributed to Edmund Burke: ”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” It so happens that the quote appears in nothing ever published by Burke. But it has become a popular adage – and, for the most part, a good one.
But I think it’s time for an update of the thinking behind that powerful and oft-cited ode. Here’s my twist on that statement: ”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing but fight defensively.”
It’s not enough to deny pedophiles new status as a politically protected minority group. It’s not enough to defeat organized evil at the polls. It’s not enough to preserve the status quo.
Freedom – real liberty, the kind borne of personal responsibility and accountability to a power higher than government force – cannot be merely ”conserved.” It cannot be merely defended. When you are in the position of conserving and defending freedom, you are in the position of losing it – slowly but surely.
That’s where I think we are in the U.S. today. Europe may be a lost cause altogether – already so far down the slippery slope there’s little hope of reversing course.
This is why I have repeatedly written that ”conservatism,” as we know it today, represents a slow road to perdition. ”Liberalism,” as we think of it, obviously represents the highway to hell.
The only way to recover what we’ve lost – the innocence, the beauty, the truth, the light – is to fight, like the pedophiles, on offense.
This is the essence of my most recent book, ”Taking America Back.” Every day that this message goes unheeded by the good people of this country represents another day closer to defeat, judgment, tyranny, the triumph of evil.
I know what the agenda of the Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party is. I know what the agenda of the Democratic Party is. I know what the agenda of the American Civil Liberties Union is. I know what the agenda of Hillary Clinton is.
But what is your agenda? What is the right agenda for America and Americans? And who is promoting it?
If you don’t know the answer to those questions, how about these? Can you defeat something with nothing? Can you win any campaign – whether it’s a sporting event, a political battle or a war – on defense alone?
Even good defenses can be easily overrun by relentless offenses.
How much longer before we are overrun by the active, organized, offensive forces of evil?
Related offer:
Get Joseph Farah’s new, updated ”Taking America Back.”
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