Coulter’s ‘Godless’ No. 1 for 5th week at WND

By WND Staff

It may have been released to the general public last week, but Ann Coulter’s “Godless” is riding high atop the WND Book Service best-sellers’ list for the fifth straight week.

“Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” said to be the pundit’s most controversial – and entertaining – book ever. The book already has launched a media firestorm, prompting criticism from Sen. Hillary Clinton and other members of Congress. It has stirred heated debate in media forums. And yesterday, it so stirred the passions of Advertising Age columnist Simon Dumenco that he has called for the popular columnist and commentator to kill herself.

Meanwhile, over at ShopNetDaily, WND’s own store stocked with merchandised handpicked by the WND team, David Kupelian’s “The Marketing of Evil” continues to garner the stop spot.

ShopNetDaily is stocked with books and other products published by and created by the company’s marketing team — including the entire line of WND Books.

Kupelian’s book was banned by faculty of Ohio State University as “hate literature” and “homophobic tripe”. Recently, the entire faculty voted to investigate librarian Scott Savage on allegations of “sexual harassment” and complaints that he made the campus “unsafe” and “threatening” – all for suggesting the school’s freshman class read Kupelian’s popular but controversial book.

Rep. Tom Tancredo’s “In Mortal Danger,” published by WND Books, is proving to be a hot seller at ShopNetDaily, maintaining the No. 2 spot.

The Colorado congressman, a long-time immigration-reform leader, warns that like the great and mighty empires of the past – superpowers that once stretched from horizon to horizon – America is heading down the road to ruin unless we protect our borders, language and culture.

Here then are the ShopNetDaily top sellers for June 4 to 10.

  1. “The Marketing of Evil”
    By David Kupelian

  2. “In Mortal Danger”
    By Tom Tancredo

  3. “Brotherhood of Darkness”
    By Dr. Stanley Monteith

  4. “Child Training Tips: What I Wish I Knew When My Child Were Young”

  5. “The Annals of the World”
    By James Ussher

  6. “Bible Code Bombshell: Compelling Scientific Evidence That God Authored the Bible”
    By R. Edwin Sherman

  7. “Breaking the Da Vinci Code” book
    By Darrell L. Bock

  8. “Christianity and the American Commonwealth”

  9. “The Global War on Your Guns”
    By Wayne LaPierre

  10. “Global Deception”
    By Joseph Klein

And here are the top sellers for the WND Book Service during the same period:

  1. “Godless: The Church of Liberalism”
    By Ann Coulter

  2. “Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity”
    By John Stossel

  3. “Showdown: Why China Wants War with the United States”
    By Jed Babbin and Edward Timperlake

  4. “America: The Last Best Hope”
    By William Bennett

  5. “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)”
    By Robert Spencer

  6. “The Political Zoo”
    By Michael Savage

  7. “The Sword of the Prophet”
    By Serge Trifkovic

  8. “The Handbook of Christian Apologetics”
    By Peter Kreeft; Ronald Tacelli

  9. “The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric”
    By Sister Miriam Joseph Rauh

  10. “By Design: Science and the Search for God”
    By Larry Witham

This list does not include WND’s two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine and Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in ShopNetDaily. If you’re not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you’re missing out on the best monthly magazine and the best weekly, online intelligence newsletter in the world.