The left has found its newest sex symbol. His name is Markos Moulitsas, and he’s the founder of the eponymous Daily Kos, a popular radical liberal blog garnering thousands of visitors each day. The lonely Blanche DuBois of the New York Times editorial page, Maureen Dowd, describes Moulitsas as the “fast-talking former Army artillery scout with the boyish demeanor and dark brown buggy eyes,” and calls him an “Internet messiah.” Ana Marie Cox, the Internet potty-mouth turned Time magazine reporter, breathes shallowly and does her lipstick: “Compact and wiry, Moulitsas, 34, exudes quivering intensity. He speaks in staccato paragraphs, punctuated by intense stares and a raised eyebrow. His eyes bulge slightly outward, as if reacting to the pressure of all the ideas inside his head.”
Or the fever in his brain.
Moulitsas recently held a convention for his fellow leftist bloggers in Las Vegas; the convention was humbly entitled “Yearly Kos.” Amidst the Bush-bashing revelry and tinfoil hats (yes, literally), major Democratic leaders came to pay homage to the deplorable hatemonger who once stated about slain American military contractors, “I feel nothing over the death of merceneries [sic]. They aren’t in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.”
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., showed up to pander to the moonbats. Democratic National Committee Chairman and Daily Kos 2004 presidential pick Howard Dean stepped forward to call upon the gods of the leftist blogosphere for their aid. Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa made an appearance, as did Wesley Clark and Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico. Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner came to praise the newfound power of the liberal conspiracy theorists and card-carrying socialists, stating, “You are bringing renewed energy to our party. This is the new public square, the new face of democracy and the new face of the Democratic Party.”
No wonder they’re losing. Democrats are looking for a magic bullet to their electoral woes. Daily Kos is the Democratic Party’s updated and scaled-down version of Bill Clinton. Democrats keep hoping that if Clinton puts in a campaign appearance with one of their candidates, the candidate will win. Now they’re hoping that if Moulitsas and his minions hop aboard a candidate’s bandwagon, that candidate will emerge victorious.
There’s only one problem. Just as with Clinton, every candidate Moulitsas touches turns to dross. First there was Howard Dean, who crumbled almost as quickly as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s house. Then there was anti-war Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, who ran for Congress in Ohio – and lost. After that there was Francine Busby, who ran for the open seat in California’s 50th district – and lost. Now there’s anti-war Connecticut Senate candidate Ned Lamont, whom Moulitsas predicts will defeat Joe Lieberman in the party primary. He’ll lose. And there’s Montana’s senatorial candidate Jon Tester, whom Moulitsas predicts will beat incumbent Sen. Conrad Burns in November. He, too, will probably lose.
There’s a reason the candidates Moulitsas backs always lose: He’s a loser. The constituency he represents is an angry, radical constituency that is more concerned with being anti-Bush than pro-anything. And if the Democratic Party refuses to go along with Moulitsas’ destructive agenda, well, then screw them, too.
The mainstream media hold out hope that Moulitsas and his followers will reinvigorate liberalism. Cox in the Washington Post: “He’s the left’s own Kurt Cobain and Che Guevara rolled into one, dripping sex appeal for progressives for whom debate has become synonymous with losing, who need a muscular liberal answer to the cowboy swagger adopted by the Bush administration and its fans.”
Moulitsas may indeed be a cross between Cobain and Guevara as far as the Democratic Party goes: He’s a thuggish radical revolutionary who may end up blowing away the Democratic Party, shotgun style. Astonishingly, the Democrats continue to grin as Moulitsas pulls the trigger.
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