Coulter did not go far enough

By Rusty Humphries

Ah, those now famous 28 words. Forget about the once famous “16 words.” Ann Coulter has uttered 28 words (not based upon false intelligence) that are all the rage:

”These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities. I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.”

Of course, she was talking about the Dixie Chicks. No, that would be false intelligence. Ann was talking about none other than the Jersey Girls! As you may recall, the Jersey Girls are a group of September 11 widows who blamed President Bush for the attacks that killed their husbands, appeared in political commercials and who campaigned for John Kerry in 2004.

Ann got her facts right with those 28 words and that’s what really stung liberals like Hillary Clinton. Hillary, inexplicably a candidate for president in 2008, responded to Ann’s comments by calling Ann ”vicious [and] mean-spirited” toward a group of clearly politically active September 11 widows.

Whoa! ”Mean-spirited.” Isn’t that what Democrats called the universally loved Bob Dole?

Hillary continued: ”Perhaps [Coulter’s] book should have been called ‘Heartless.’ I know a lot of the widows and family members who lost loved ones on September 11. They never wanted to be a member of a group that is defined by the tragedy of what happened.”

”Heartless?” This comes from the woman who pulled out all the stops to ruin Billy Dale’s life all because she wanted her Arkansas cronies to run the White House Travel Office.

And then Ann, according to liberals anyway, really stepped in it:

”I think if she’s worried about people being mean to women, she should have a talk with her husband,” Coulter told a radio host who was hosting a book signing for the mean-spirited Ann Coulter. ”This is, I remind you, Bill Clinton’s wife,” Coulter added. ”And I’m the one who’s mean to women? She may know the September 11 widows, but I know Juanita Broaddrick” – a reference to a woman who claims she was raped by then attorney general for the great state of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton.

Not only do I have no problem whatsoever with anything Ann Coulter said about the Jersey Girls, I don’t think she went far enough in her response to Hillary Clinton about how mean her husband has been to women he once wanted to have sex with. He must have liked them a bunch!

Ann, probably because she’s just a petite feminine softy, really should have brought up the Barrett Report. The Barrett Report reveals that several women the President found to be sexually stimulating were audited by the Clintons’ IRS. Yep, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and Juanita Broaddrick were targeted by audits during the 1990s.

Ann may be considered insensitive by some, but auditing women your husband either assaulted, abused or had sex with is criminal. Nixon never did anything like this.

Where were Woodward and Bernstein on this one?

To me, this is a key issue if Hillary is to move forward as a candidate for president. Her husband needs to explain: Exactly what did the Barrett Report conclude and do you dispute the findings? I haven’t heard the audits of these three women are in dispute. By the way, it is far more likely that I will win the lottery than all three women getting an IRS audit.

And Democrats talk about a ”culture of corruption?” They worry about an NSA program that monitors phone calls from known terrorists living overseas and making calls to our country in a time of war? They’ll expose a banking system that helps weed out terrorist payment but not this incredible abuse of power.

Are you kidding me?

Ann Coulter’s whole point was that Democrats shield their opinions from scrutiny. They always manage to find a victim to hide behind. The Jersey Girls have their husbands who were killed on September 11. Jack ”I’m the crazy uncle in the basement” Murtha has his Purple Heart and service in Vietnam to shield him from simple questions about his cut and run strategy. Ditto John Kerry. Cindy Sheehan has her son who was killed in action and that shields her, too, from questions about her incoherent rants and desperate love for the spotlight. And Hillary has Bill – the disbarred, impeached, recklessly pardoning, Lincoln bedroom selling hero of the left, as her shield.

If not for Bill Clinton, Hillary would be treated by fellow Democrats the same way they treat Joe Lieberman – like a piece of rotting trash. But even with Bill as a shield, we should discover the facts about the auditing of Bill’s enemies ? not limited to, but including, women who made the terrible mistake of appealing to Bill’s wide-ranging and seemingly insatiable desires.

If Ann Coulter was as unbalanced and vicious as liberals contend, you’d think liberals would encourage everyone to read her book. Seems to me liberals are spewing their venom in hopes of poisoning the well. They do not want Ann’s book in anyone’s hands.

Ann stands tall without a shield of any kind. She arms herself with only facts, wit and reason.

Now back to the real point. What about that Barrett Report, Mrs. Clinton?

Related special offers:

Get Ann’s latest and hottest book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism”

“I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words”

Rusty Humphries

Rusty Humphries is a nationally syndicated talk-radio host who is heard in over 200 cities across America. You can find more information about Humphries on his website. Read more of Rusty Humphries's articles here.