When I was young, my father taught me that my word had power. He taught me that real men always honor their word. That people around me would only respect me if I honored my word and backed it up, when necessary, with action.
When I became a parent myself, I realized my word really did mean everything. If I told my children I would do something, I’d better do it or they would never believe anything I said. If I told them they would be disciplined, I had to follow through. Honoring your word pays huge dividends in everyone’s life. I’ve learned it in my business, my marriage of 29 years and in my personal relationships.
Sunday, the terrorist faction of Hamas kidnapped Cpl. Gilad Shalit, a 19-year-old Israeli soldier. It is reported by CNN and other media outlets that the kidnapping was ordered by the supreme leader of Hamas based out of Syria. Clearly, the Syrian government is offering sanctuary to terrorists, which, according to the “Bush Doctrine,” makes them our enemies in the war on terror.
Israel does not take the kidnapping of a soldier as lightly as leaders in our government. Israel informed Mahmoud Abbas that Hamas has a limited amount of time to return the soldier or there would be action taken to secure his safe return. The Israelis respect life.
In the spirit of honoring their word, Israeli forces didn’t return to the negotiating table or seek further “diplomacy” on Tuesday night. They backed up their word with actions and attacked bridges in Gaza to prevent the kidnappers from moving the soldier. They are slowly and methodically taking Gaza apart brick by brick, if necessary, to find him. I can assure you they will find him, and if he is harmed there will be a large price to pay. They have learned over the last 50 years the only language terrorists understand is black and white, and their words are backed up by action. It is a language of brute force. The word of their enemy means nothing. Words from Arafat, Nasser, Khomeini and the likes have always been devoid of honor.
As of yesterday, the Israelis had pinpointed their strikes with surgical accuracy, and there had been no civilian casualties. They have hit power plants, major bridges and roadways as well as water facilities in an attempt to make living conditions so unbearable that soon Hamas, and the civilians they represent, will comply with the demands of the Israelis.
I have meet with several Israeli Defense Force officials over the years, and I’m relatively confident the Israelis will be successful one way or another. Is their approach politically correct? Probably not. Frankly, I don’t think they give a rip. One of their citizens and fellow soldiers is in danger, and they will do what it takes to save him from being slaughtered like an animal at the hands of “peace-loving” Muslims. They are attempting to pre-empt the gruesome task of recovering the headless corpse of Cpl. Shalit.
I received an e-mail from an U.S. Special Operations officer in Iraq who encouraged me to take issue with President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld. He told me his troops know who the insurgents are, where they live and can take them out. All they need is the green light to do so. Of course, given he is a soldier, he is too polite to say he knows the politically correct will want the insurgents arrested and brought up on charges. But he knows, firsthand, that this is a war, and in war you defeat your enemy, not arrest them. That’s the only way to ensure a victory.
The Israelis know the enemy. They know how they think and how they operate. They also know that terrorists understand one demand: Do as you are told or face the consequences.
We can ill afford our nation not to honor its word in Iraq. Talking heads, Monday morning quarterbacks and politicians will debate whether we should have ever gone to Iraq for decades. One thing that is not up for debate is the necessity to send a strong and clear signal to the terrorists and terror-supporting countries and regimes.
Sept. 20, 2001, the message agreed on in America was simple and complete. It was articulated by our president:
Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”
I suggest we follow what Israel has done. The Israelis told the terrorists how it would be, and they backed up their words with actions. The politically correct will find all kinds of fault with this method, but it stills remains the most effective – just as the message we sent Sept 20, 2001.
Mr. President, please allow the finest military in the world to back up the words you spoke as our leader. The troops will not disappoint. They will not allow your word, Mr. President, to be dishonored, even though some in D.C. live to make that the case. You are honoring your word by stopping the money flow to terrorist regimes, by supporting the capture and elimination of al-Qaida leaders, and by disrupting their plans through intercepting communications – all regardless of the traitors at the New York Times.
Now, allow the troops to finish the job! Honor the fallen by honoring your word.
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