Snow mum on ‘gays’ in military

By Les Kinsolving

Presidential press secretary Tony Snow today deflected a question about open homosexuals serving in the U.S. military, saying only Bush’s positions “on all these matters are well-established.”

At today’s press briefing, WND asked Snow: “Reuters reports that while the Pentagon no longer deems homosexuality a mental disorder, this reversal has no impact on U.S. policy prohibiting openly gay people from serving in the military. And my question: Does this also accurately report the position of the commander in chief, or not?”

Stated the spokesman: “I will defer all questions about military personnel policies to the Department of Defense.”

“Has [the president] changed his mind on this or not?” countered WND.

Said Snow, “The president’s positions on all these matters are well-established.”

The Bush administration has continued the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on homosexuals in the military established during the Clinton administration.

According to the Reuters report, U.S. military personnel have served alongside openly homosexual British soldiers in Afghanistan.

Les Kinsolving

Les Kinsolving hosts a daily talk show for WCBM in Baltimore. His radio commentaries are syndicated nationally. His show can be heard on the Internet 9-11 p.m. Eastern each weekday. Before going into broadcasting, Kinsolving was a newspaper reporter and columnist – twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his commentary. Kinsolving's maverick reporting style is chronicled in a book written by his daughter, Kathleen Kinsolving, titled, "Gadfly." Read more of Les Kinsolving's articles here.