What makes Democrats weird

By Jim Rutz

1. They’re visually handicapped. They can’t see too clearly because they’ve chosen to live in a fog bank, a perpetual cloud of semantic smog that enshrouds their world in a heavy haze of icky emotions like envy and hatred. For instance, when a Democrat’s mind is enflamed with hatred of George Bush, you will find it almost impossible to carry on a rational conversation. Attempts to calmly debate about Mr. Bush may be met with a crescendo of volume, rising rapidly to a fiery shriek. On many topics, you’ll be shocked to find that liberals don’t have principles at all, they just have emotions.

2. They’re trapped in a linguistic straitjacket. Phyllis Schlafly has penned one of the most concise one-page essays of our time. In it she outlines the seven bases of Political Correctness: victimology, multiculturalism, radical feminism, affirmative action, unlimited sex, intolerant tolerance, and the total politicization of everything under the sun. Read it yourself, you’ll love it!

As I’ve noted in two previous columns, (here and here), if you think words are mere neutral tools that you “use” to think with, the joke’s on you. Your ancestors who invented and honed those words are having the last laugh from the grave. Words use you, hockey puck! And that goes double for words in the totally warped lexicon of PC.

3. They’re morally and ethically corrupted. As “Buzzsaw Annie” Coulter has described in such loving detail in her book “Godless,” truly dedicated liberal Democrats have distanced themselves from the holy God of the Bible (who happens to be the only real god available to humankind). Many of them think that they’ve cut some special private deal with Him, but their self-alienation from His people (the church) and their estrangement from His principles for living (including conventional morality) have placed them among the many who Jesus said are on “the broad path to destruction.” (Matthew 7:13) They usually have some dim awareness of their plight, so they’ve concocted their own mini-system of righteousness, the PC code, to persuade themselves that they’ll pass muster at the final Judgment.

Among their other flaws, they don’t put much credence in original sin. This leads them to their vision of an ideal America as a democratic utopia where the “original virtue” of man can work itself out (with the guidance of the enlightened elite in Washington, who will someday micromanage all the benighted masses). David Limbaugh trashes this hypocrisy in great detail in “Bankrupt: Why the Democrats Are the Party of Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy.”

Conservative Republicans, in contrast, envision a republic, not a democracy. Their vision is actually more dystopian than utopian, being founded on the Calvinistic-biblical idea that people are basically evil, not good, so the nation must be protected from the mobs of sinners by a republic system, where we vote in men of high morals, ethics and intellect and let them run the country, acting as a buffer against the often evil or selfish whims of voters. We’ll never reach a Rousseauian paradise that way, and we’ll never transform our politicians into angels, but at least we’ll always be able to throw the rascals out and vote in a new set of rascals.

4. They’re divisive as knives. To a Democrat, the dynamics of power are always class-based and envy-driven. Their standard modus operandi is to pit groups of people against each other by constantly wailing about “class” distinctions. To them, membership in a class is as permanent as it was in the Dark Ages. As has often been said, in a democracy it seldom takes the poor (always a majority) more than a century or two to discover that they can vote the rich man’s money out of his pockets and into their own. And that’s the beginning of the end.

5. They’re socialists. By identifying themselves with an unsound and usually disastrous ideology, they put themselves at odds with reality and morality. As several of Gary North’s books have shown in detail, the Bible is highly free-market. (I suppose, for instance, you could find two or three times as many Old Testament verses on property rights as on charity for the poor.) For the conservative Republican, equality must prevail at the starting line of life. For most Democrats, equality must prevail at the finishing line of life, and thus all laws and taxes should be written to redistribute wealth and assure a lockstep security for everyone.

6. They’re simply unable to understand freedom. The Democratic vision is based on more and better regulations run by powerful bureaucracies to manage everything and protect the little guy from oppression by the moneyed few. The liberals who bleat mindlessly about freedom with equality seldom realize that one of the most basic freedoms is the freedom to excel – and thus to be very, very unequal.

If you’re now annoyed with my one-sided rhetoric, I’ll leave you with a link to an amusing editorial by a gent who is an equal-opportunity offender, cleverly slamming both Democrats and Republicans on 20 of the leading issues of today. Enjoy!

Jim Rutz

James Rutz is chairman of Megashift Ministries and founder-chairman of Open Church Ministries. He is the author of "MEGASHIFT: Igniting Spiritual Power," and "The Meaning of Life." Read more of Jim Rutz's articles here.