I have to admit, I was a little annoyed when WND staff writer Jerome Corsi told me a European company holding conferences on selling out America’s infrastructure to foreign private concerns refused to allow him to cover its latest meeting in New York as an official member of the press.
EuroMoney PLC explained to Corsi that only the “business and financial press” would be permitted access to the meeting. WND, it was explained to us, was known more for its general news coverage.
Let’s face it. WND is known for something else, too. It’s known as the only major news source poking its curious nose into the business of the international elite who would like nothing better than to end our quaint notions of national sovereignty and lead us blissfully into the era of the new global village.
That’s the real reason EuroMoney wanted to keep us out of a conference where the following would be discussed:
- Teaching state and local government officials in the U.S. how to lease a wide range of public assets to international and foreign private investment groups.
- Questions about the Trans-Texas Corridor, including: “Is the politics a knee-jerk or a ground swell?” “Reviewing current activity in the state legislature,” “What will the effect be on different states and the industry in general?” “Will Texas deals get through the instability?” and “What does this mean for equity partners?”
- How to create private finance deals on public infrastructure projects including toll roads, water treatment and waste management facilities, port infrastructure, state lotteries, airports, municipal parking and military housing developments.
All these topics sound like they would be of interest to the American people – not just foreign high rollers and government bureaucrats trying to balance their books. So, I told Corsi to register like any other member of the public for $2,000. WND would eat the cost. It was time, I figured, to shine some light on these activities.
Then came the shock of my professional life in American journalism.
Amazing, isn’t it?
I mean, whose country is this, anyway?
I acknowledge that anyone has a right to organize a private meeting. But once you open a meeting to the public, even at a cost of $2,000 a head, is it appropriate to deny certain people entry because of their professions or their employers?
Once you open a meeting to some members of the press, can you bar others – even when they are willing to pay the full price of admission like a member of the general public?
Personally, I think we’re looking at a possible First Amendment issue here.
But, I have to tell you, this top-secret act by EuroMoney only makes me even more curious about what will be discussed at this meeting and how it will affect the American taxpayer. And, I promise you, this news organization – even if we are all alone – will ferret out the information about what transpires, even if we have to interview every single attendee individually, including the service help.
It sounds like Corsi, author of “The Late Great USA,” hit a nerve. He may have also struck a goldmine of information and interlocking secrets about the sellout of American sovereignty.
These people need to be reminded this is still – at least for the time being – America. We still trade in dollars, not ameros. We still believe in freedom of the press, not the power of the state. We still believe in the power of the people, not rule by the elite.
If these folks think we’ll just leave them alone to conspire in secret about matters of public interest in this country, they have another think coming.
Now they really have my attention.
I’m not just a little annoyed anymore. Now I’m majorly bugged.
Related special offer:
Get Corsi’s latest book, autographed: “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada”