Phyllis Schlafly joins lineup of columnists

By WND Staff

Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly, longtime culture warrior and commentator, joins WorldNetDaily’s cadre of weekly columnists today.

Schlafly recently brought her take-no-prisoners style and effectiveness to the Values Voter Presidential Debate panel of questioners, asking the candidates about the Security and Prosperity Partnership and amnesty for illegal aliens.

“Phyllis Schlafly is a personal heroine of mine – as well as a personal friend,” commented WND Editor Joseph Farah. “For my money, she should have been Ronald Reagan’s vice president and successor in 1988. If she had been, this country would be a lot better off today.”

Founder and president of Eagle Forum, Schlafly has been involved in fighting for traditional values for decades. Formed in 1972, Eagle Forum, according to its website, is “a national organization of citizens who participate as volunteers in the public policymaking process.”

Schlafly first began influencing public policy in 1964 with her best-selling book, “A Choice Not An Echo.” Since then, she has authored or edited 19 books on subjects as varied as family and feminism (“The Power of the Positive Woman and Feminist Fantasies”), nuclear strategy (“Strike From Space and Kissinger on the Couch”), education (“Child Abuse in the Classroom”), child care (“Who Will Rock the Cradle?”) and phonics (“First Reader” and “Turbo Reader”). Her most recent book is “The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It.”

In a 10-year battle, Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over the Equal Rights Amendment. An opponent of the radical feminist movement, she appears in debates on college campuses more frequently than any other conservative. Schlafly was named one of the 100 most important women of the 20th century by the Ladies’ Home Journal.

Schlafly’s monthly newsletter, The Phyllis Schlafly Report, is now in its 41st year. Her radio commentaries are heard daily on 460 stations, and her radio talk show on education called “Eagle Forum Live” is heard weekly on 45 stations.

An attorney, Schlafly has testified before more than 50 congressional and state legislative committees on constitutional, national defense and family issues.

Schlafly is the mother of six children and was the 1992 Illinois Mother of the Year.

Her column will appear each Friday on WorldNetDaily’s commentary page.

Read Schlafly’s debut WND column, “Law of the Sea Treaty doesn’t hold water.”