Many “conservatives” support George W. Bush even though under his presidency our government has expanded more in power, in number and in cost than any time since FDR. They still consider him a “conservative” president even though he expanded our involvement in the United Nations, kept our borders with Mexico wide open, and has been secretly selling out our sovereignty for a North American Union.
Many more “conservative” Christians support George W. Bush even though he has done nothing to stop abortion, not even addressing the nation on the horrors of it, allowed the thugs in the IRS to investigate churches who dare to support or disapprove of a candidate or issue, increased government control over churches and Christian charities through the Faith-Based Initiative, and hosted dinners in the White House every year in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. Oh, and by the way, he stated that Muslims and Christians worship the same god, years ago, all the way back in 2001 and 2002 – but you weren’t paying attention.
Now, the very same people who claim to be “conservative” are supporting the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, none of whom speak of shrinking the size, power or cost of government.
The “conservative” Christians are beginning to throw their support behind another “conservative” Christian named Mike Huckabee because he comes across as the most Christian. What these “conservative” Christians have not been paying attention to is his actual rhetoric. Yes, he addresses abortion and homosexual marriage, but if you listen closely, all the things he supports increase the size, power and cost of government. From subsidies for energy research to increasing money for health care and government housing, the size, power, and cost of government will not shrink under a President Mike Huckabee; they will increase. Please be very wary of the flat tax or “fair tax” being proposed and endorsed by Mr. Huckabee. It will lead to a national ID card, and it does not guarantee that the personal income tax will be altogether abolished. Mr. Huckabee swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution when he became governor, yet many of his proposals are clearly unconstitutional.
Today’s “conservatives” still love to talk about our Founding Fathers. They may even quote one from time to time, if it serves their purpose, but today’s “conservatives” sure don’t listen to the advice our founders gave to us over and over again.
Has the definition of “conservative” changed, or is it that people who claim to be “conservative” really are not?
David Ulrich
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