University vetoes extra credit for flag-burning

By WND Staff

The University of Maine is backtracking on a classroom teacher’s suggestion that students would get extra credit for burning a flag, or a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

University spokesman Joe Carr has told the Bangor Daily News the comments that prompted complaints from several students – including one who decided to drop the class because of the suggestion – were not intended to be taken literally.

Carr confirmed to the newspaper no extra credit would be granted for carrying out the suggestions from Paul Grosswiler, an associate professor students reported made the offer to his History of Mass Communications class.

Rebekah McDade is a sophomore who was in Grosswiler’s class, but decided to drop the course and take it later from another professor, because of the suggestion, which she believed was offered seriously.

“I was offended,” McDade told the newspaper. “I come from a family of military men and women, and the flag and Constitution are really important symbols to me because of my family background.”

Grosswiler explained that the student misunderstood the discussion.

“I don’t intend for students to burn either the Constitution or the flag, and over the years hundreds of students have understood that,” he wrote in an e-mail to the newspaper.

The issue originally was publicized in a news release from The Leadership Institute.

“Associated Professor Paul Grosswiler was addressing his first class on the ‘History of Mass Communication’ at the University’s School of Journalism when a student asked how he could earn extra credit in the course,” the statement said. “Grosswiler paused for a moment, then announced that he would award extra credit to students who burned the U.
S. flag or the Constitution, or got themselves arrested for exhibiting free speech.”

“There was the loudest silence ever for a second,” said McDade. A classmate asked Grosswiler if he was serious, and he replied, “Absolutely,” according to the Institute.

McDade said Grosswiler already had alleged free speech didn’t exist in America because “the Republican administration has made it all but illegal.”

She reported that she was concerned over what she described as Grosswiler’s bias, and when his outbursts continued in the next class, she asked her adviser if she could take the class another semester with an objective professor.

McDade said she used the learning experience to start a Students for Academic Freedom group, with help from the Leadership Institute’s Campus Leadership Program.

Carr also told the newspaper there would be no disciplinary action for the professor. He said Grosswiler has been at the school since 1991 and is a “well-respected member of the faculty.”

Another student confirmed to the newspaper that the offer appeared to be serious.

In a forum page on the newspaper’s website, Patrick, of Orono, Maine, said he took the same class in 2006 “and I was personally appalled by the comments made by this professor.”

And Don, from Knoxville, Tenn., said the comments might have been fine if they had been balanced.

“If this prof’s motives were really pure he would have given students the options of also burning a copy of the Communist Manifeseto by Karl Marx or reciting Reagan’s speech in support of the nomination of Barry Goldwater or burning a picture of Hillary Clinton in the middle of campus. Now THAT would be fair and balanced.”

A commentary at RightWingNews’ website said liberalism in academia is not new, and this is just another example.

“Leftists seek sanctuary in the ivory tower of higher education where they can feel free to impose their liberal moonbattery on hapless college students. The less control they have over the country, the tighter their grip over academia becomes. And nothing runs more rampant on college campuses than anti-Americanism.”

“Perhaps the most telling quote from Professor Grosswiler was this one: ‘If they don’t tolerate thought that they hate, they don’t believe in the First Amendment,'” the editorial said.

“So not tolerating a professor asking students to burn the United States flag is equal to not believing in free speech? Your tax dollars at work, folks.”

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