The Bible not only predicts the catastrophic terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but does so with great specificity, including the number of buildings toppled and the exact date, according to a new book by a New York rabbi.
In “Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terror: A Torah Perspective on World Events,” Rabbi Menachem Kohen reveals where and how Scriptures make this uncanny prediction.
He also chronicles how the Bible predicted a severe 1,800-year drought in the land of Israel during the dispersion of the Jews from A.D. 70 until just before their return in the 20th century – a period with so little rain that no other people would be able to inhabit the country.
Kohen’s unique prophetic analysis is based on both the written Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and the oral Torah, studied mainly by rabbis and recorded in written form only during the dispersion.
The book also analyzes passages of the Bible he says reveal the unrelenting efforts to dismantle the Jewish state, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the toppling of Saddam Hussein including the correct year and Operation Desert Storm.
“People need to understand current events,” he writes. “People need to know how to respond to events during this frightening period of time, and Torah provides the instructions. I thought by discussing such information, I might be able to lift people’s spirits, because Torah truths can help people comprehend current events and become less anxious and less frightened.”