You remember the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” don’t you?
The old guy himself was such a pompous fool that his tailors convinced him they had created the most sheer and elegant fabric ever, and they “fitted” him with a whole new wardrobe made of this “fabric.” They charged him a fortune, and the emperor and his coterie decided he should parade through the kingdom to show off his glorious new clothes.
Nobody, but nobody, wanted to contradict the old duffer, fearing that any negative comment might cost them their heads or something. It fell to an innocent little child, at last, as the ruler and his court paraded by, to exclaim loudly, “Father! The emperor has no clothes! He’s naked!”
After a moment of stunned, frightened silence, the crowd could finally acknowledge the obvious. Indeed, the emperor was stark naked, and his tailors had bamboozled him into an incredibly embarrassing display, an inexcusable exposure. The worst part – and the point of the fable – is that the people were so cowed by the lies, and the emperor as the source of the lies, that they actually began to “see” and compliment his nonexistent attire.
Fable though it is, that same phenomenon is occurring in America today.
As just documented by the much-respected Media Research Center, the liberal media is doing a vast “snow job” on the American public. They’re doing their best (and that’s a formidable potential) to convince all of us that Republicans have already lost the 2008 elections, that Hillary Clinton is virtually our president-elect and that the only other candidates even worthy of attention are the runner-up Democrats.
Isn’t that the impression you’re getting, at least on all the “straight news” programs, morning, noon or night – not to mention most of the entertainment programs?
I’m not exaggerating. The Pew Research Center, in its poll released late last month, found that while four out of five American adults could name one of the Democrat presidential candidates, only 59 percent could even recall any of the GOP candidates! Even among self-described Republican voters, Pew found “Clinton and Obama are much more visible than Giuliani or any other GOP presidential candidate.”
Approaching the next election in our country of the foremost leader of the free world – still a year away, admittedly – less than two-thirds of the voters can name other than a Democrat candidate! How lopsided can you get? And how can this happen?
Through blatant, transparent, naked media bias, that’s how. The Media Research Center did a study of the ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows, taping and documenting 797 campaign stories that aired on NBC’s “Today,” ABC’s “Good Morning America” and CBS’ “The Early Show” – from Jan. 1, 2007 through Oct. 31 – and found that 431 focused on the Democrats and only 247 concerned Republicans, with the emphasis throughout on a predominantly liberal agenda.
Of the three morning shows, ABC’s “GMA” was the most tilted, airing 167 Democrat stories (59 percent), vs. 83 about the Republicans (29 percent). CBS and NBC were nearly identical in emphasizing Dems in just over half of all campaign stories, while the GOP figured in less than one-third of stories on each show. And it’s been obvious to objective observers that the liberal media treat the leading Dems as “rock stars,” with Hillary and Obama the political equivalents of Brad and Angelina or Tom and Katie. What’s a busy, distracted and too largely uninformed public to think? Why, the empress has gorgeous new clothes, ultra fine and royal, of course – befitting the media-nominated, elected and inaugurated first woman president.
But wait! Whose voice is it that we hear exclaiming, “Daddy, that Hillary lady looks like Bill Clinton in a pant suit!” And “Mommy, is that Obama or Osama? They sound sort of alike to me.” And “Look, Daddy, that little kid Johnny Edwards is trying to be president of the United States!” Who’s voice?
Why, it’s the conservative media, with childlike clarity, actually telling it like it is, revealing the underbellies and warped political ploys of the liberal favorites! There’s Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and a host of other articulate and informed talk-show hosts asking awkward questions like: “Do we really want to even consider giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens? Have we decided it’s OK to reward and subsidize criminals, people who’ve entered this country illegally? Would Mexico, or any other nation, sit back and allow 14 million Americans to tromp across their borders, settle in and even drive, and vote, as if they were legal citizens? What fable are you living in?”
Thank God for the other voices, the honest, childlike observations of the biased reality we voters are facing in this country. Although panicky liberals have tried very hard and expensively to duplicate and shout down the influence of conservative voices, the American public is not impressed by liberals’ propaganda efforts; they’ve made conservative programs and spokesmen and women the highest rated shows of their kind, by far. These commentators criticize and even oppose the Republican president for some of his positions and actions – so people notice a balance and objectivity not seen in the liberal media.
And even though we’ll continue to be deluged by an avalanche of propaganda and sales pitches masquerading as “reporting” and “news stories” – all aimed at convincing us that the liberal candidates are freshly adorned in glittering garments of patriotic, empathetic, fiscally responsible common sense – we’ll also be able to hear sane and clear voices exclaiming, “Wait, folks, look closer at those media darlings! They’re nakedly ambitious politicians, just saying whatever they think we want to hear. Look at their voting records and previous positions; we’re being sold a total bill of goods! Don’t believe their words; it’s their actions that show them naked, and their qualifications to lead are invisible!”
Thank God there are spokesmen and women in the land who can see as if through a child’s eyes and help us separate reality from naked ambition.
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