Giving us a foretaste of what’s to come if the Democrats capture the White House and maintain control of Congress in 2008, the liberal-led U.S. House approved a bill on Wednesday that would put deviant sexual behavior on par with race, gender and age in federal employment non-discrimination law.
Liberal congressional lawmakers rammed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, through the chamber by a 235 to 184 vote following a contentious debate on the House floor. The measure is expected to meet stiff opposition in the Senate, and President Bush has pledged a veto if the legislation makes it to his desk.
While supporters claim the bill would end discrimination in the workplace against those who practice homosexuality, ENDA advocates conveniently ignore the myriad rights the legislation would tromp all over, including religious liberty. The measure contains an exemption for religious organizations but appears to still muzzle many traditionally minded employers or employees from exercising their First Amendment rights.
That reality reflects a political, legal and cultural force that has been gaining steam for decades – the exaltation of free sex and sexual deviancy above virtually every other right in American life, especially religious freedom.
Does that sound far-fetched? Examine the evidence.
When the Founding Fathers drafted the Bill of Rights, they placed religious liberty at the very front in the First Amendment. Contrast that with today’s world – such rights of religious expression have been forced to the back of the bus in favor of raunchy sex and “alternative” lifestyles.
The evidence, even in recent news, is overwhelming. California just enacted a stack of bills that swap the welfare of children for the wishes of the homosexual lobby. One measure, SB 777, bans terms like “mother” and “father” from textbooks and classroom discussions in government schools and forces teachers to present deviant sexual lifestyles in a positive way to children as young as kindergarten. The ban effectively overrides the biblical definition of marriage and the family.
Are fruitcakes in Calipornia the only ones supporting such policies? Regrettably, no. Just take a look at the lineup of candidates seeking the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination. In a recent debate, the three leading contenders gave open or tacit approval to exposing second graders to books trumpeting same-sex relationships as valid and normal.
Do supporters of such policies have any concern for the mental health of six-year-olds being exposed to such salaciousness? Not even a whisper. The ethic of sexual license trumps everything, even the innocence of toddlers.
Likewise, one of the top reasons given for support of abortion-as-birth-control is that it equalizes the sexes by giving women the opportunity to be just as sexually promiscuous as men. Never mind that abortion ends the life of an innocent unborn human child. Sex without consequences is far more important, even more important than protections of life guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
The sex on demand ethic even overcomes public health concerns. Our nation’s judiciary will uphold the right to engage in sodomy even though study after study shows that homosexual behavior, along with heterosexual promiscuity, is fueling our epidemic of sexually transmitted disease. In fact, males who practice homosexual behavior account for the greatest percentage of HIV/AIDS cases in the United States, even though they represent only a small percentage of the overall population.
Similarly, a recent study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that 11 percent of U.S. males in 2002 reported having multiple sexual relationships at the same time, a behavior pattern that significantly speeds the transmission of sexually transmitted disease.
Yet we can’t pass moral judgment on such behavior without being labeled a hate monger or prig. Why? Because sexual promiscuity is the new inalienable right.
The ENDA legislation exemplifies that pathetic truth. It’s a sad commentary on American life that we are beginning to value the right to engage in sordid sexual behavior above the rights our nation has held dear for centuries.
George Washington said in his Farewell Address that religion and morality are “indispensable supports” to political prosperity. Contrast that with today, when American culture is supported more by the unstable foundation of debauchery and a sleazy media conglomerate than by the forces of morality and truth.
The death knell of a free society is when a people elevate the right to engage in destructive behavior above the traits that form the very foundation of civilization –marriage, family, religion and morality. America is elevating the sexual rights of adults above the welfare of children, the right to engage in deviant sex above religious freedom, and sexual license above the sanctity of human life.
And yet we still sing “God Bless America” every Fourth of July, still believe that God will further our military efforts around the world, and still trust that God will preserve our economy so that we’re able to go shopping on Saturday.
Are we so blind that we expect God to bless us when we never bother to return the favor?
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David N. Bass is a freelance writer.
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