This is the time of year when parents, some parents anyway, are looking for gifts for their children – gifts not made in China with lead paint, gifts that will be uplifting not perverting of young minds and hearts, gifts that will be, well, just good, clean fun.
Because I still have a little one at home, I have a recommendation for parents in that situation.
And, believe it or not, it’s a CD!
No, it is not Snoop Dogg’s latest or some trash from Akon.
It’s a thoroughly enchanting and engaging musical production for kids by an old and dear friend of mine – multiple Emmy Award-winning artist Buck Howdy.
It’s called “Chickens” – and moms and dads will enjoy it as much as the kids.
What I like most about this new CD by Buck is the musical versatility it demonstrates. Buck Howdy might look like a country star, but in this new album he ventures successfully into all kinds of other influences – including jazz and big-band swing.
One of my all-time favorite recording artists, Steve Vaus, is the producer.
This one should bring home some Grammys in the children’s music category.
What should you expect when you hear Buck Howdy for the first time?
One reviewer suggested he’s a cross between Roy Rogers and Jerry Lewis.
Lyrically, good values are promoted – neighborliness, anti-materialism, family love.
The harmonies between Buck and BB are a real treat as is the diverse repertoire including traditional favorites like “You Are My Sunshine” and oldies but goodies like “Yakety Yak.” There’s plenty of original material cranked out by Buck, too.
Most of all, though, it’s just plain fun – music that will never grow old and tired for you or your children.
There’s no secret as to how Buck Howdy creates music so appropriate for children. He has kids of his own. That’s how Buck polices himself to determine boundaries. He also makes music for people, especially young ones, to sing along.
So, if you are looking for the perfect gift for your kids this Christmas season, consider this prescription from me: Put some Buck Howdy in the stocking. No, I do not own the record company. I have no stock in the artist. I do not stand to gain in any way, shape or form from your purchase. It’s just my personal recommendation – nothing more, nothing less.
As Buck himself puts it: “Music is wonderful medicine – if you’re down, it will bring you up; if you’re happy, it will accentuate that feeling. Music also is an important form of communication – sometimes it is much easier to say something in a song than speaking. Also, music stirs the soul – it bypasses the brain’s circuitry and goes straight to the heart. I consider myself exceedingly well-blessed to get to share music – to connect families with my music – and to put a smile on folks’ faces with my songs.”
So give your kids something to smile about with you. Give ’em some Buck Howdy – and turn it up for the whole family.