I would hate to be Hillary Clinton on Judgment Day.
I know you’re not supposed to say things like this. I know it’s not politically correct – or spiritually correct.
I know we’re not supposed to be “judgmental.”
Nevertheless, we are commanded as Christians to be spiritually discerning and to know people by their fruits.
Quite simply, Hillary’s fruits are rotten – rotten to the core.
Even when she is pretending to be righteous, a discerning believer can see through the charade. Take, for example, her most recent trip to church.
Last Sunday, she attended Grace United Methodist Church in Des Moines, Iowa.
She reportedly participated in unison prayer that went something like this: “God of empowerment, help us to give all of our children the anchor of faith, the rudder of hope, the sails of health care and education, the paddles of family and community to keep them afloat when life’s sea gets rough. Amen.”
Talk about political correctness! The sails of health care and education? I have a feeling they only want sails made in Washington, D.C.
The Rev. Hill Flyr, associate pastor, took it from there – and left no doubt about what she meant. She noted 35 percent of Iowa children are part of low-income families, and 45,000 children are without health care.
And, no, she was not advocating the church do anything to meet the pressing needs of these children. Instead, she was advocating the kind of “coercive compassion” sure to please Hillary.
“We should be outraged by these numbers,” Flyr said. She told the congregation the government should be funding “high-quality preschool.” She said health care and education should not just be for children from “well-to-do” families.
It’s nice, I guess, that even Hillary can find a church in which she feels comfortable. However, I’ve got to tell you, I don’t think Jesus would feel comfortable in such a church and in such a service. In fact, I think it is the kind of setting in which he might turn over a few tables.
Because Jesus never even remotely suggested it was caesar’s job to provide education and health care to children. Never, ever.
I know this will come as a shock to some Republicans, as well as Democrats, but the Bible tells us who is responsible for educating children and overseeing their health needs.
It is the job of parents. Period. End of story.
If parents cannot or won’t provide for the needs of their children, then it becomes the responsibility of other family members and, ultimately, if that fails, the church.
At no time does government enter the picture. Nowhere in the Bible will you see Jesus or any prophet begging the civil authorities to help children. It is the responsibility – the duty – of believers to take care of the widows and orphans.
This is what we’re here on Earth to do – besides worship God and tell others about Him.
We can’t transfer that responsibility to others. That’s not compassion. It is simply an abomination that any church would deny its own responsibility to meet the needs of deprived children. It is even more ghastly that one would express outrage that government is not fulfilling the role for which God has specifically charged believers.
And Hillary was sitting there through this – just as we would all expect. She was mouthing the words to that prayer to the God of empowerment. I have a feeling that God of empowerment’s address is somewhere in Washington, D.C.
The question I’m left with after this demonstration in hypocrisy worthy of the Pharisees is: Will American Christians have enough discernment to see through phony displays of religion like this? Do they have enough judgment to see the rotten fruit produced by people like Hillary and Flyr? Can they understand when their most foundational beliefs are twisted beyond recognition? Can they tell when they are being conned by a two-bit false prophet?
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