Leftists and libertarians often complain that the Christian right has hijacked their legal system to push family values and public morality, at variance with a more rational values system based on an intellectual viewpoint developed by experts with Ph.Ds. Hence, the frontal assault on all things Christian by the ACLU, the Ninth Circuit Court, the universities, the media and even big business (and its silent campaign to obliterate Christmas and promote same-sex marriage).
Indeed, given the Christian heritage in our country, one is tempted to conclude that Christianity alone is driving legislation and jurisprudence relating to sexual morality and failing to protect lifestyles generally viewed as immoral.
If the United States were the only country in the world, well-educated people just might be tempted to accept this thesis.
But there is a mountain of evidence quite to the contrary from non-Christian cultures that have had no contact with the West or with Judeo-Christian thought.
Five thousand years ago, the Chinese had no notions of Western culture and civilization or of what was being written in the Hebrew tongue across the world.
Yet, astoundingly, the concepts of righteousness and godliness were part of the lore of the Chinese people, who even before Confucius and Buddha believed in one God, Tian-Di.
The first emperor (Shi Huang Di), whose legalistic views clashed with the Confucian moral code, is popularly reputed for his sexual immorality of the Clintonian variety, to which his downfall is attributed by the common folk in China even today. Confucius, who lived from 551-479 B.C., wrote that, while emperors had a mandate from Heaven (God), that mandate could be broken by the people for several exceptional reasons, including immorality. At that time, the concepts of immorality and licentious sexual behavior were intertwined in the minds of the people, as they still are today in the Chinese-speaking world, where social mores forbid any public display of male-female affection.
Even in pagan societies like ancient Rome, emperors who allowed or indulged in corruption and in what today is traditionally deemed as sexual immorality were hated by the people, and such emperors often were deposed or assassinated. The Romans themselves, not just later Western historians, believed such Caesars brought about their own downfall by their immoral lifestyles.
It would seem as if there is something inherent in human nature that abhors lewdness and makes us distinguish good from evil independently of culture and upbringing, pointing us like a weathervane toward righteousness. Only through massive doses of propaganda, drugs and/or alcohol (in other words, artificial means), can our inherent nature be overcome, as it often is in the West.
This is why, in general terms, the Bible is by no means an unreliable guide for today.
Consider that King Solomon, widely acclaimed as a wise man in his day, collected proverbs and wise sayings, not of powerful, wealthy or highly educated men, but of the commoners. He recognized that the common folk were endowed with built-in antennae, as it were, that picked up God’s eternal viewpoint from beyond their limited time and space in the universe and transmitted it in proverbs to the younger generation.
The fact that a large percentage of Americans today support the Clintons and excuse the aura of licentiousness that surrounds them does not contradict this notion. The rejection of common sense and traditional morality by libertines has been a recurrent theme in world history and literature since the very beginning, and history reveals that this signals not a healthy tendency toward some progressive way of life, but rather, invariably, the decline of common sense, the end of a peaceful and prosperous golden age and the beginning of a cataclysm.
This is not because God has necessarily intervened personally. He doesn’t have to. The obsession with hedonistic freedom leads in itself to enslavement and misery.
For example, unchecked pandering to people with specific “sexual orientations” will ultimately lead to widespread pederasty, to the peril of children.
Legalizing prostitution leads to sex slavery, as it has in Holland.
Sexual promiscuity leads to soaring rates of incurable diseases.
Whether in China, ancient Israel and Judea, or in the West, whenever men permanently have turned their thoughts to carnal pleasure and away from righteousness, there has invariably been a national decline that ushered in either a new regime or a foreign takeover.
Let’s hope and pray we get the former result.
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Donald Hank is a technical translator and editor-in-chief of Laigle’s Forum.
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