Republican presidential candidates are attacking each other and being questioned about running a “sanctuary mansion,” over the performance of sports teams, and even whether they believe the Bible. And a spokesman for President Bush says he’s grateful he’s done with that.
The question was presented to Dana Perino, the White House spokeswoman, at a press briefing, by Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House.
“Does the president as head of the Republican Party believe that it would be good to have even more presidential debates,” he asked.
“I’ll leave that up to those candidates to decide,” Perino responded. “He’s very glad he’s not having to do that this time around.”
Not even 24 hours earlier, the GOP candidates had gone after each other in a CNN/YouTube debate, the latest confrontation. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney took after each other over immigration.
Giuliani accused Romney of running a “sanctuary mansion” and Romney said Giuliani had kept New York operating as a sanctuary city.
The candidates were handed questions ranging from abortion to gun control and farm subsidies.
In a second question, Kinsolving asked. “Since the president is scheduled to go to Baltimore tomorrow, why can’t he stay in Baltimore tomorrow night so that on Saturday, as commander-in-chief, he can join with 8,000 future leaders of our Army and Navy in what is surely the most colorful game on earth?”
“I am sure that is going to be a great game. The president has his first holiday reception I think tonight, and then there’s another one tomorrow night, so he’ll be busy,” she said.
But she did confirm he’ll be at the game.
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