Bumper sticker returns Christ to Christmas

By WND Staff

With airlines using the Christmas season, to advertise for “gay travel,” holiday kiddie trains taking toddlers to Victoria’s Secret and a county sheriff coming under investigation for supporting Christmas, it seems as though the holiday is about everything except Christ.

But at Shop.WND.com, Christmas still is an event that includes Christ, and this week’s No. 1 pick is a bumper sticker highlighting that fact.

The “Reason for the Season Auto Magnet” is a Christmas tree with the Nativity scene contained within its boughs and is the perfect way to make a statement of faith during the holiday season this year, and the next, and the next.

The emblem is magnetic so it can be used on cars, refrigerators or other metal surfaces, and it can be specially packaged in 25- and 50-packs to hand out to family, friends and neighbors.

The 7-inch image is ideal for stocking stuffers, and a part of each purchase price is forwarded to a Christian charity.

In second is “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, WND’s managing editor.

His book explains how Americans now accept – even promote – issues their parents and grandparents would have considered revolting – abortion, homosexuality and others.

“David Kupelian dares to tell the truth about the overwhelming forces in our society which take us far away from our original American concept of freedom with responsibility, happiness with commitments, and traditional values. ‘The Marketing of Evil’ is a serious wake-up call for all who cherish traditional values, the innocence of children, and the very existence of our great country,” notes Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

“Every parent in America needs to read this book. David Kupelian skillfully exposes the secular left’s rotten apple peddlers in devastating detail. From pitching promiscuity as ‘freedom’ to promoting abortion as ‘choice,’ the marketers of evil are always selling you something destructive – with catastrophic results. Kupelian shines a light on them all. Now watch the cockroaches run for cover,” add Michelle Malkin of Fox News Channel.

In third is “The Late Great USA” by Jerome Corsi.

He’s used documents from the U.S. government itself, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, to document the nature of the benignly named “Security and Prosperity Partnership.”

That was created at a meeting involving U.S. President George W. Bush, Canadian leader Paul Martin and Vincente Fox, Mexico’s president, and is, in fact, “the same kind of regional integration plan that led Europe to form the European Union.”

Corsi concludes the elites in Europe who wanted to create a European nation knew “it would be necessary to conceal from the peoples of Europe just what was being done in their name until the process was so far advanced that it had become irreversible.”

The book sets out Corsi’s chilling conclusion that America’s possible “harmonized” future is at stake.

Here are the Shop.WND.com top sellers for Nov. 16-Dec. 2:

  1. “The Reason for the Season Auto Magnet”

  2. “The Marketing of Evil”
    By David Kupelian

  3. “The Late Great USA – autographed”

    By Jerome Corsi

  4. “Christmas Magnetic Bumper Sticker – An American Tradition”

  5. “Operation: Just Say … Merry Christmas bracelet”

  6. “The Money Masters” DVD

  7. “Obsession DVD”

  8. “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group”

    By Daniel Estulin

  9. “Hillary! Uncensored (DVD)”

  10. “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill & Hillary Clinton (Book)”
    By Kathleeen Willey

This list does not include WND’s two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine and Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in Shop.WND.com. If you’re not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you’re missing out on the best monthly magazine and the best weekly, online intelligence newsletter in the world.