Who is the real enemy?

By Barbara Simpson

It’s New Years Eve – the last day of 2007. It was a year of good and bad, and it set some kind of speed record!

Wasn’t it just summer? How did it get to be December, and what happened in between?!

It’s not just me. Every person I talk to agrees. Where did the time go, and what were we doing?

When I was little, New Year’s Eve meant staying up until midnight and making resolutions filled with aspirations. If I’d followed them, it would have changed life and answered dreams.

I gave up making resolutions several years ago. They’re too easily made and too easily broken while the year is still young.

But since 9/11, resolution-maker or not, a desire to end war and national hostilities most likely has been part of your consciousness.

The problem is how. Despite the U.N. and rhetoric about “peace,” violence continues.

Look at the headlines. They’re filled with escalating skirmishes, political wrangling, threats, betrayals, suicide bombs, surprise attacks, assassinations, riots and outright war. It’s never ending, and the reality is that it will get worse.

The main lesson of history that the West persists in ignoring, is that evil ignored is evil continued.

Talk will not end it, nor will cajoling or bribery or pretense or wishes. The only way to cleanse the world of evil is to defeat it, and such a battle takes a certain kind of courageous leader, the likes of which I’m not sure is on the scene.

The danger for the United States is that we’re at a pivotal point in our history, in the history of Western civilization and yes, world history.

Ongoing battles across the globe have at their foundation conflicts with the forces of evil – whether an evil leader, an evil system or evil beliefs. It’s a tough enemy because evil is disguised as “good.”

The historical pattern is that peoples and nations are lured by those disguises and discover the truth too late. The result is a violent battle to free themselves from those evil clutches.

We face a terrorist enemy that openly and repeatedly has declared they want us converted to their belief system or dead. They want our country changed to suit their demands. They’ve not been deterred from their goals, despite efforts thus far to stop them. The deadly attack on Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan is but the latest example of their determination.

While worldwide terrorist violence continues, we’re immersed in the longest political campaign on record. It’s no exaggeration to say that if we don’t have the right person at the helm of our government – read that, the next president – it most likely will mean a major shift in the balance between good and evil in the world.

A weak president will be an open invitation to the enemy that we’re vulnerable. They won’t hesitate to move in on us, and they will – silently or otherwise. We can’t afford that, but the signs for a strong leader aren’t encouraging.

Recent polls show that Hillary Clinton – who has assumed she is the next president – is the least trusted of all the Democrats. Voters remember the deceptions of the first Clinton presidency and her role in them as well as her lack of specific accomplishments.

The enemy remembers Bill Clinton’s lack of courage in fighting evil directed against us – and likes that weakness.

Leading Clinton in Iowa polls is Barack Obama – young, attractive and black. Liberals craving a “woman president” are apparently switching allegiance to the potential, “first black president.”

His baggage – youth, inexperience and naivet?, along with questions about his religion – are apparently being ignored.

The enemy likes that too.

John Edwards, slick and smooth as a tent-revival preacher, focuses his campaign on social issues and the politics of envy – rich versus poor. The rest of the world doesn’t exist.

And, the enemy smiles.

The other Democrats scarcely are mentioned.

As for Republicans, the media have denigrated and virtually ignored the two candidates strongly focused on U.S. survival and the issues involved – terrorism, national defense, illegal immigration, borders, the economy.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is scarcely mentioned but continues his excellent, focused campaign.

The courageous Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., who forced attention on the illegal aliens, has dropped out of the race.

Ron Paul is ridiculed and Alan Keyes, ignored.

The enemy smiles.

Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., a real conservative, is prepared and knowledgeable about challenges facing the country. The media focus on his looks.

Mike Huckabee was touted as a “favorite” long before polls showed movement. Praising his religion, media omit that it makes him an easy target for take-no-prisoner Democrat opposition.

With media support, John McCain suddenly moves ahead – the same media which not too long ago declared his candidacy dead. The enemy still smiles.

Mitt Romney is treated as a too perfect, clotheshorse, but the real media issue is his religion!

It makes you wonder why Barack Obama’s religion isn’t an issue. Or does it?

Oops, they’re smiling again!

Then there’s Rudy Giuliani – with a record of making real government changes that improved New York City.

He was there on 9/11 when the enemy successfully accomplished a surprise attack on N.Y. and our country. He handled that and had the chutzpah to turn down a $10 million donation from a Saudi sheik.

Rudy recognizes 30 pieces of silver.

And the media fret about his family, religion, private life, friends and liberal social views.

The enemy still smiles.

The Iowa and New Hampshire caucuses will determine the real nomination frontrunners. The key is whether voters will buy media hype or understand we need a president who will save this country.

I don’t want the enemy smiling.

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Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her radio talk-show audience, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Read more of Barbara Simpson's articles here.