How lucky can you get? When it comes down to two powerful political women, Hillary Clinton evidently has a farm growing nothing but four-leaf clovers just for her, as opposed to the late Benazir Bhutto – whose luck just ran out.
Think of it. You’re running a campaign to become the first woman president in U.S. history. On the eve of the most important caucus in American politics, your poll numbers are falling faster than a bucket of water down Niagara Falls. Even your husband has doubts about you winning in Iowa. And then … across the world in Pakistan, another woman like you, one who had already held high office twice before, is assassinated. A woman who, just like yourself, was rich, ambitious, educated in the best Western universities and also, according to all who knew her, ruthless for power.
Despite the horrible news, Benazir Bhutto’s death couldn’t have come at a more propitious time for Hillary Clinton. Hillary has been saying herself that it’s time for “a woman” to take over … and sweep out the White House.
A lot of us just weren’t buying it.
The parallels between the two women are unmistakable, and everyone is now making them. With Bhutto’s death, the mantra of how “brave” women can be wonderful leaders for “democracy” will be echoed around the world.
We will watch – over and over – grown men crying.
Here’s a woman who was willing to risk her life for the poor and little people of her country.
Come on … get with the program here … Hillary should be loved.
Hillary Clinton was on Fox News so fast giving a statement about her “friend’s” death and how important Bhutto’s message of democracy was to our upcoming election, that I barely had time to say:
“Hey – shouldn’t President Bush have the first word on this issue?”
Not according to Rupert Murdoch, who put John McCain and Hillary’s comments on Bhutto’s death before Bush’s. Fox’s blatant manipulation of Bhutto’s death was hardly the “We Report, You Decide” sound bite they peddle. More like “We Report and then We Tell You What to Decide.”
It’s fortuitous for Hillary that Rupert is backing her. Add to this the fact that all the conservative talk-radio hosts were on holiday.
This is not the first time an untimely death has benefited Hillary. It was rumored that JFK Jr. was going to be running against Hillary for the Senate seat in New York.
It was to Hillary’s great fortune that his plane crashed into the ocean.
It also didn’t hurt her when Rudy Giuliani, her opponent for the New York Senate race, was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
This is one lucky broad.
Benazir Bhutto, like Hillary, came to power on the coattails of a man. In Benazir’s case, her father – who was later charged with killing a political opponent and hanged.
Benazir then got elected as prime minister twice, taking over her father’s party, only to be kicked out twice on corruption charges.
And Benazir was always getting arrested along with her husband, even though, like Hillary, Benazir swore she knew nothing of his illegal activities.
It seems over in Pakistan, unlike here, corrupted leaders are actually punished.
No matter what sort of corruption she gets caught up in – Whitewatergate, Fostergate, Travelgate, Chinagate, FBI-stolen-files-gate – Hillary seems to have the luck of the Irish, always an ace in the hole, and the seemingly unlimited power of Caesar – which, by the way, was the name of Benazir’s dog.
Benazir’s two brothers were murdered. One of her brothers was fighting her over their father’s vast millions – held all over the world in various hidden bank accounts. He was gunned down, some thought at the bidding of Benazir’s husband, who was also in her Cabinet and was known for taking big bribes.
Ms. Bhutto shouldn’t have been running for a third term; it was illegal. But Musharraf was going to let her – and yet, he is being blamed for her death.
And I don’t know what you call a woman who, even though she had almost just been killed by a baby rigged with bombs (missing her but killing 130 others), still decides to pop her head up out of her limo, for one last time.
Some might call it brave; I just call it stupid.
Either way, brave or stupid, this unlucky woman just gave Hillary Clinton another four-leaf clover. Whether this unlucky woman shoots Hillary’s popularity up and into the White House remains to be seen.
Related special offers:
“Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton”
“Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton”
“I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words”
“Hillary’s Secret War: The Clinton Conspiracy to Muzzle Internet Journalists”
Joyanna Adams is a writer/musician who lives in Missouri.