Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama |
The mainstream media makes much hay about conservatives being split between candidates, but none whatsoever about liberals being split – particularly abortion proponents.
Most notably, Planned Parenthood affiliates are divided between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The rift was readily demonstrated in New Hampshire last weekend where the fight really took off over which of the two was more ardently pro-abortion. We even saw battling PPers in the same article. From the Concord Monitor, yesterday:
A glossy flier sent out over the weekend said Obama voted “present” instead of “yes” or “no” on anti-abortion legislation in the Illinois state Senate. Yesterday’s letter – signed by leaders from state affiliates of Planned Parenthood … reiterated the criticism.
Obama launched an automated phone message from a Planned Parenthood official, defending his support for abortion rights Sunday.
The call was made by Wendy Frosh, chair of PP in Northern New England, who suddenly thereafter took a “leave of absence” from PPNNE and has issued an e-mail apologizing for “the confusion.”
Love it.
I also love the argument, much of which revolves around Obama’s fence-sitting votes as Illinois state senator for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. He did vote “no” after voting “present.” But for the same bill on the federal level, Hillary voted “yes,” decimating her own argument that she is the more ardent pro-abort of the two.
Illinois PP and NOW now say Obama’s voting “present” was a tactic they devised to show liberal senators a way out who were squirmy on voting to support aborting babies alive and letting them die in hospital soiled utility rooms, which is what a vote against Born Alive meant.
(As an aside, Illinois PP now supports Obama and IL NOW supports Clinton. As I said, love it.)
It’s interesting that neither campaign is discussing specifics here.
Hillary can’t go into detail because while Obama was indecisive about whether or not he supported live-birth abortion for a time, Hillary took a pro-life position against it. Discussing this would alienate radical pro-aborts and make the groups supporting her look stupid.
And Obama can’t elaborate how he voted “present” then “no” on a bill that would have stopped babies from being aborted alive at a hospital just five miles from his church. Doing so would alienate just about everyone else.
And neither candidate can expand on Obama’s other “present” votes either, which were on a partial birth abortion ban and parental notification, because most Americans support them.
I would be content to let this issue simmer until such time as Obama is his party of death’s official nominee and then make a big deal of it. But I am so enticed by the thought that some journalist somewhere, sometime, or some debate somewhere, sometime, may force these two to move beyond the “presents” to discuss their positions on abortion infanticide, that I can’t help but bring it up now.
Talk about presents; that conversation would be one. And I think the American public would be very enlightened by the gift of truth behind Clinton and Obama’s audacity of smoke.
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