“Hillary: The Movie”, produced by David Bossie of the activist group Citizens United, premiered last night in Georgetown before an invited audience of some 250, including media notables, pundits and political activists.
“I was overwhelmed by the response last night,” Bossie told WND in a telephone interview. “We had a standing-room only crowd attending the Washington, D.C., premiere.”
The documentary traces the history of Clinton scandals, going back to Travelgate, and looks at current cases, including “Peter F. Paul’s $17 million civil lawsuit, which is the subject of its own documentary.
“Making a film about Hillary Clinton is a very difficult and complex undertaking,” Bossie said. “There’s so much material on Clinton scandals all the way back to Little Rock when Bill Clinton was governor that it’s hard to decide what is in the film and what out.”
The documentary focuses on Hillary Clinton’s role, arguing she was not an innocent by-stander but was at the center of managing many of the numerous scandals that dotted the Clinton presidency.
Featured in the film and attending the premier was Kathleen Willey, author of WND Books’ ‘Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton’
In the film, Willey speaks at length about the Clinton camp’s personal attacks on her for accusing the president of sexually accosting her in the White House.
“I feared for my life,” Willey told WND. “A jogger I didn’t know was sent to threaten me in a campaign of terror and ruthless intimidation.”
In the film, Willey discusses how the threats extended even to her pet cat. A cat’s skull was left on her front porch as a macabre suggestion of what could happen if she persisted to tell her story.
The film also features commentary by many political notables, including Newt Gingrich, foreign policy specialist Frank Gaffney, Tony Blankley of the Washington Times and syndicated columnists Ann Coulter and Robert Novak.
Bossie acknowledged much of the information in the film about past Clinton scandals would be new to the millions of young people who might be voting for the first time in the presidential elections of 2008.
“The Clintons will use their usual defense of saying much of the film is a rehash of old news,” Bossie said. “But millions of Americans were in diapers when Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992. For these first-time voters, the illegal and unethical actions of Clinton’s two terms in office will be brand new information for them.”
Also attending the premiere was Billy Dale, the 35-year White House travel office manager whose career began under President Kennedy and ended when the Clintons pressed criminal charges against him that later were proved false. The Clintons, according to federal investigators, were trying to clear the way for their campaign contributors to place their own people in the travel office.
Also present last night was Joe Connor, who discussed his resentment when Hillary Clinton, then running for the Senate from New York, engineered the surprise pardon of the Puerto Rican FALN terrorists who killed his father when they bombed Fraunces Tavern in New York City in 1975.
‘An amazing conundrum’
Bossie already is facing opposition, fighting a federal lawsuit brought by the Federal Elections Commission under the McCain-Feingold law. The FEC says Bossie’s TV ads for the film should be considered political speech and, therefore, subject to campaign finance laws.
“This is an amazing conundrum,” Bossie said. “I have the ability to put my movie in as many theaters as I would like, but the FEC is restricting my speech, saying I don’t have the ability to let people know the movie is there.”
Bossie said he expects a decision in the next few days on the lawsuit, which was heard by a three-judge federal panel last week.
“Whoever wins, we expect the case will end up in the Supreme Court,” Bossie said. “But the court challenge is just the first we are going to face. The Clinton spin machine has already begun saying the movie is just political propaganda, on a par with Michael Moore.”
Bossie objects to this characterization, arguing he will stand on the extensive research cited in the film.
“Michael Moore doesn’t let the facts get in the way of a good story,” Bossie rejoined. “We take great pride in representing our research accurately, so the people make their own decision based on the facts.”
Bossie told WND he will make a film on Barack Obama if it turns out the Illinois senator is likely to be the Democratic presidential nominee.
“Clearly we made a calculation based on what we believe the marketplace was going to be prepared for, and that was a Hillary candidacy,” Bossie said. “But we’re already in pre-production gathering the data necessary to do a film on Obama, depending on the results from Super Tuesday,” Feb. 5, when primaries will be held in 21 states.
But he added, “we have so much material on Hillary that we might just produce ‘Hillary: The Movie II’ after the Democratic nominating convention this summer.”
Special offers:
Get the stunning new film “Hillary! Uncensored” from WND’s online store
‘Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton’
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40% off! Clinton’s fatal ‘Intelligence Failure’
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