Cult leaders, driven by narcissism – they want to control others.
~ Dr. Michael Stone, “Cult Followers” TV program
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
~ Rev. Martin Luther King
Note: this column is part of a series of works written on a black theme with the purpose of the intellectual redemption of my people – mind, body and spirit. Other works in the genre include: “The treachery of Brown v. Board of Education,” “Black Democrats and the battered wife syndrome,” “What is plantation liberalism?” “Should public schools be Free?” among several others.
Dear Rev. Preacher:
I saw you the other day, Rev. Preacher. You were reading a prepared statement of support to your mistress as she, though shorter than you, looked down to you and upon all who witnessed this spectacle. She stands with that imperious grin on her face, that smug smirk that we have gotten so used to seeing on her for the past 35 years as year after year she does nothing verifiable for black people – yet she (and her husband, “the first black president”) are anointed as the savior of us all.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, one of the greatest from your ranks, once said, “[A man should] not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.”
If you honor this great man and his ultimate sacrifice to your people, why then do you continue to ignore his words, to desecrate the intent he had for all black people, his everlasting dream for all America – for black people to have equal access to achieve the American Dream?
You ask, “Ellis, how have we ignored Rev. King’s words? We are continuing his tradition.” I reply, what tradition? Exploiting racial polarization isn’t MLK’s tradition, for his national civil rights movement didn’t focus on color as much as the person, the man, the woman to be allowed to fulfill America’s covenant with herself.
You say, “Ellis, what covenant do you speak of?” MLK once said, “I just want America to be true to what you wrote on paper.” MLK dreamed of living in an America where – he quoted Jefferson – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
“Ellis, black preachers and the black church for over 200 years have been the backbone of black society in America and for over 75 years through alliances with the Democrat Party, black people have achieved some measure of political, social and economic power,” said Rev. Preacher. Indeed, but at what cost? Let’s examine the record:
- “Life” – Jefferson’s first promise to all Americans in the Declaration of Independence was denied to your people from the beginning by the evil institution of slavery. Later, by Democrat politicians largely from the South and also by their de facto Brownshirts, the Klu Klux Klan. Two of the KKK’s most notable members, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., and Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, are both proud Democrats – their infamous membership in the KKK never repudiated by the Democrats to this day.
- “Life” – Let’s talk about Margaret Sanger (1879– 1966), founder of Planned Parenthood (1916), the most notorious abortion group in America that to this day has made billions worldwide by killing millions of innocent babies. Rev. Preacher, did you know that this onerous, racist, Jezebel-like woman founded Planned Parenthood with the primary purpose of eradicating the black race, which she deemed animalistic, pathologically criminal and inferior to white people on every measure? If she had lived today, Sanger would be exceedingly pleased that fully one-third of all abortions in America are by black women.
- “Liberty” – Black preachers across America have been in the forefront of controlling black people’s political liberty every election year by demanding their flock vote for a political party that has an unashamed history of undermining your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations under the guise of helping you. On this point, Rev. Preacher, you and your colleagues have been like the overseers of the plantation during slavery times. You have been accorded just enough power by “Masser” to keep those in your charge “on the plantation”; otherwise, what use are you to the Democrat Party?
- “Liberty” – Despite the cover-up and journalistic malpractice by the liberal propaganda press, the race debate between Hillary and Obama has let out some deep, dark family secrets. Most onerous is the vile lie that the Democrat Party in general, and Bill and Hillary Clinton in particular, has taken substantively beneficial action on behalf of black people. Rather than stepping back and saying, “It’s the black man’s turn to be president,” Hillary and the mainstream Democrat establishment has this attitude regarding Obama: “Who does this uppity n—-r think he is?!” It is classic plantation liberalism, and I am happy it was displayed for the world to see, at least for a brief time.
- “Pursuit of Happiness” – This most precious promise by Jefferson to the American people has been perverted by FDR’s “New Deal” and LBJ’s “Great Society” programs where liberalism perfected the Machiavellian techniques of seizing political power by stealing money from one group of people and giving the spoils to another group that didn’t earn it.
What Jefferson and by extension MLK meant by the “Pursuit of Happiness” was an America eventually becoming a nation where all barriers and strictures to success would be removed by society so that each citizen would be hindered not by his color, gender or creed, but judged “by the content of his character,” following the biblical aphorism “If a man doesn’t work, a man shouldn’t eat” and the limitless freedom of his imagination. Not shackled government largess, a “War on Poverty” or Rev. Preachers keeping the flock “on the plantation,” but every person being free to use their God-given gifts to glorify God and help humanity.
Rev. Preacher, this is sadness. Stop the madness. Stop selling our people out year after year to curry favor with the Clintons and the Democrat machine. They have enslaved us long enough. Even Old Testament Israel, when they had backslidden, was usually under the tyranny of another nation for 40 years until “God raised up Judges to deliver them.”
Rev. Preacher, our people have been on the liberal Democrat plantation nearly 80 years – two generations of volunteer slavery. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes declared it best when he said, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough!”
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