Calm down, conservatives? No way!

By Melanie Morgan

Gov. Mitt Romney’s decision to suspend his presidential campaign has now cleared the last significant hurdle standing in the way of Sen. John McCain’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

The late-breaking news forced conservatives around this nation to come to grips with the fact that John McCain would now be the nominee of the conservative party in America.

While McCain helped himself with his vigorous speech before the Conservative Political Action Conference, he also made waves for earlier telling conservatives to “calm down.”

Conservative wonder-force Michelle Malkin has this admonition for conservatives across America: “Get involved. Don’t calm down. Get fired up.”

Some on the right advise their readers and listeners to vote Democrat or sit home. My advice is exactly the opposite: Get off the couch and walk the walk for conservative candidates and officeholders who need all the help they can get defending free markets, free minds and secure borders – no matter who takes the White House in November. …

If you can’t stomach John McCain, channel your support and energies to Republicans who do represent your values and who have treated the conservative base as allies instead of enemies.

Amen, sister.

It is now up to conservatives at the grass-roots level to provide the leadership, the passion and the zeal to fight for our beliefs in the battle of ideas – on every street corner, in every city, all across this great nation.

There are many issues that will occupy our attention over the next four years, whether Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John McCain serve as president.

For me personally, my greatest passion will remain focused on fighting back in the war declared against us by Islamic radicals who are intent on killing every last American.

To that end I have been working feverishly to organize a pushback against the recent actions by the Berkeley City Council, which passed three anti-military resolutions to silence military men and women and chase them out of town.

The Berkeley City Council called our troops “uninvited” and “unwelcome intruders.” They then encouraged left-wing extremist group Code Pink to harass – they used the words “impede” – the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center:


… encourage all people to avoid cooperation with the Marine Corps recruiting station, and applaud residents and organizations such as Code Pink, that may volunteer to impede, passively or actively, by nonviolent means, the work of any military recruiting office located in the City of Berkeley.” [Emphasis added]

Emboldened by the City Council’s attacks against the military, Code Pink and their allies proceeded to erect a human barricade by chaining themselves together and prohibiting people from entering the Marine Recruiting Center.

Worst of all, the Berkeley Police Department did nothing for hours on end, with their officers being quoted as saying that they “were trying to remain neutral as possible.” Don’t believe me? See for yourself in this video here:


Enough is enough.

We cannot stand by and watch as an American government body wages a full-scale campaign against our brave and honorable service members.

I know some of you reading this do not agree with my support of the missions of the war on terrorism. However, the actions of the Berkeley City Council are not against our troops serving in Iraq – they are against our troops here at home in America.

The pro-troop organization I lead, Move America Forward, is bringing military families from across the nation for an all-day pro-troop demonstration outside the Berkeley City Council chambers.

We will begin our pro-troop vigil at 5 a.m. and stay out there all day long. At 7 p.m., when the Berkeley City Council meets, we will march inside the chambers and formally demand that all three anti-military resolutions be rescinded, and that a formal apology be delivered to the U.S. Marine Corps in particular, and all military personnel – and their families – in general.

We will be peaceful, but we will not be calm in the face of such anti-military tyranny by the leftist radicals who are waging a war against our sons and daughters, husbands and wives who sign up to bravely and nobly serve this nation.

We need you to join us. We need you to show America’s leaders that true action does not come from those who hold elected office; it comes from the people of America who will fight for this nation’s greatest ideals.

We conservatives will continue to fight for our beliefs and core principles, and this battle is in my backyard. It’s where I will be planting the flag on Tuesday.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with us, and let’s show our leaders how real change in America takes place.

To learn more about the protest against the Berkeley City Council and how you can join us, visit the Move America Forward website at

Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan is an award-winning radio talk-show host, author, columnist, journalist, TV anchor and reporter. She was selected by the RTNDA and Associated Press for the Edward R. Murrow and Mark Twain Awards in 2004, and again in 2016. Read more of Melanie Morgan's articles here.