By Olivia St. John
In a Feb. 7 press release, a broad coalition of Christian grass-roots organizations boldly banded together urging parents to either homeschool their children or place them in Christian schools. Prominent pro-family crusaders like Phyllis Schlafly, once a proponent of public school reform, are saying it’s time to exit public schools.
Indeed, the situation is so serious that in states around the country, sexual material is being taught to children as young as kindergarten age. Barb Anderson, research and policy analyst with the Minnesota Family Council, details lewd content being taught in public schools in a policy paper titled “The Birds & Bees Project: Gay Sex Ed for Kids.” According to Anderson, a presenter at the annual Minnesota School Health Education Conference stated, “When speaking to teens you must tell them there is no right or wrong and no good or bad choices.”
Anderson goes on to say that on page 152 (A Day at the Clinic) of a 187-page guide distributed by the Birds & Bees Project, health educators encourage pregnant teens “to practice making an appointment to have an abortion … [and] that they can seek a judicial bypass to circumvent the Parental Notification law.”
Leading public school textbook publishers even sponsor this educator’s conference featuring the Birds & Bees Project that claims “to educate more than 8,000 young people in the Twin Cities metro area each year.”
Shocked? Don’t you know that Feb. 14 is National Condom Day?
Christian parents and their children are running from wildfires that cannot be controlled. These fires have already spread across America, and over 85 percent of Christian children have been seriously scarred or killed. The only children known to have survived so far are those whose parents used foresight in keeping their young far from danger areas.
The fire is all around you, crisscrossing America, burning in small conservative towns, rural areas and big cities. Far more dangerous than a physical wildfire though, this particular fire threatens your child’s eternal life. And if you’re like most parents, you don’t know who started the fire, nor do you know who keeps it going.
The fire burns and rages in every public school of this land.
But tragically, too many parents are still in denial that such dangers exist in their child’s school. Many of them smell the smoke and are attempting to douse the flames by attending school board and PTA meetings, talking with principals, and e-mailing government officials. But they’re using squirt guns in a feeble attempt to extinguish a raging firestorm out of control. They are growing increasingly tired and frustrated as flame after flame engulfs their every effort.
Parents have been battling this almost 500 billion dollar per year government monopoly called the public school system for years, and they’re losing badly.
The real tragedy is that while these parents continue trying to reform a terminally corrupt system, many don’t realize that they are aiding and abetting the ruin of their own families and nation by using the wrong tools. Their children are going to hell in a hand basket, courtesy of teachers unions and an entrenched educational bureaucracy, and the parents scratch their heads every Sunday in church wondering why.
Over the last hundred years, anti-Christian forces have slowly infested schools throughout the nation, aided and abetted by an activist judiciary bent on creating the law and not merely interpreting it. The most expensive educational system in the world turns out graduates who lag behind most other developed countries when it comes to literacy in science, math and reading, while their parents drive around town giving schools free advertising with “my child is an honor student” stickers. In the guise of “diversity,” teachers force heinous sexual perversions into the minds of innocent children as young as 5, while parents timidly respond by asking to review curriculum. Physical violence such as rape, assault and even murder are all too common on school grounds, while parents hope and pray that their children are not on the receiving end of another Columbine.
Christian parents wonder why their kids are losing their faith by the time they hit college. They wonder why their kids are so academically ignorant. They wonder why their kids are sexually active at age 10, and why they are emotionally depressed and distraught.
Well, there is hope.
The good news is that many parents are now on the run, and it’s finally in the right direction – away from the public schools through efforts like the campaign. They’re seeing children spiritually shrivel into humanist drones and realizing that their child’s school is not so wonderful after all. In fact, it’s trashed.
Christian parents and pastors are beginning to understand that the Great Commission includes more than spreading the Gospel. It also involves parents taking full responsibility for teaching and guiding their own children. If 85 percent of Christian children are leaving the faith, who do we expect to continue spreading the Gospel as time moves forward? God will raise up stones if necessary, but we will surely be called to judgment if we fail to diligently teach our own children when “we sit in our house, and when we walk by the way, and when we lie down, and when we rise up.”
The job of the church is to encourage parents to fulfill their God-ordained mandate so that our children grow up to be Christian disciples, rather than disciples of Secular Humanism, which the U.S. Supreme Court declared a religion in the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins decision.
Either we continue looking the other way in denial, or we face the reality of what public schools are.
There is a way to escape the fire, but it all begins with God in the home and with you as a parent taking responsibility for the godly education of your children. Organizations like and exist to help you with this effort. Many churches are joining in.
Stop saying you can’t, and begin saying that with God, you can.
No more excuses.
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Olivia St. John is a freelance writer with almost 20 years of experience as a home educator. Her work has been featured in several online publications and she is currently working on a book promoting home education.
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