‘I am woman, hear me whine’

By Jane Chastain

Thanks to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Helen Reddy will have to go back and rewrite the feminist’s theme song she penned in the early ’70s. “I am Woman Hear Me Roar” obviously doesn’t cut it anymore.

With her back against the wall before the Democratic presidential primary in New Hampshire, Hillary cried. With her back against the wall in Texas, she whined.

Last week, in an interview with ABC News’ Cynthia McFadden, Clinton wanted us to believe that it’s tougher for her to run as a woman than it is for her black, male opponent. “It’s hard,” she whined. “It’s hard being a woman out there. It is obviously challenging with some of the things that are said that are not even personal to me so much as they are about women.”

Ahhhhh, I get it! If she loses the nomination to Obama, she wants us to believe it has nothing to do with her but everything to do with our prejudices. Yes, the Obama surge obviously means there are more misogynists out there than racists!

To make matters worse, Clinton had the old feminist warhorse Gloria Steinem on the stump for her reminding us of everything we hate about the radical feminist movement. Speaking before an audience of 200 in Austin, Texas, Steinem praised the little gathering, calling it “fan-f—ing- tastic!”

While Obama was packing them in, Steinem was delivering this garbage! Do these women really think they have to use obscenities to be heard? Frankly, I am surprised they could find 200 hard-core, old-guard feminists in Texas. Maybe they bused them in.

Steinem had the audacity to denigrate John McCain’s service record and his capture and torture at the hands of the Viet Cong. She railed, “Suppose John McCain had been Joan McCain and Joan McCain had got captured, shot down and been a POW for eight years. They (the media) would ask, ‘What did you do wrong to get captured?'”

This is a wake-up call! Let it serve as a reminder that Hillary Clinton’s disdain for the military is well-documented. Feminists like Clinton and Steinem see the military as a laboratory for social experimentation. They have promoted the theory that men and women are interchangeable fungibles to make women eligible for the draft and combat. They want enlisted women used as cannon fodder just so women officers can sit on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Yes, if there has to be a military, they want women to run it!

They decry the amount of money spent on Iraq but say nothing about the billions wasted on power steering for our military vehicles so women can drive them, or the redesign of our weapons and combat planes so women can fire them and fly them. In their all-inclusive military, we’ll be building tanks with wheelchair ramps!

Can this kinder-gentler military win wars? To do that – however distasteful – you have to kill people and break things. Steinem made my point: “I am so grateful that she (Clinton) hasn’t been trained to kill anybody. And she probably didn’t even play war games as a kid. It’s a great relief from Bush in his jumpsuit and from Kerry saluting.”

Don’t get me wrong. I would love to see the right woman as commander in chief, someone cut out of the mold of Margaret Thatcher, someone like Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness – not a “Johnnie come lately” like Hillary Clinton.

America has had it with whining, radical feminists. It’s time to move on! They do not – nor have they ever – represented real women. Hillary has spent her entire career riding on her husband’s coattails, while Steinem was peddling her toxic ideology to women who could not, or would not, think for themselves.

During that time, I managed to become the first woman sportscaster on both the local and national level without any help from the feminists. I did it with hard work, not by demanding acceptance or the right to break in line. In fact, when the feminists began burning their bras, it made my job a lot harder than it should have been. They once burned me in effigy because I would not march to the beat of their drum, so don’t bother lecturing me about women’s rights, until you have broken as many barriers for women as I have.

In that ABC interview, Hillary also said, “I don’t expect any sympathy.”

Don’t worry, Hillary, you won’t get it from me! Frankly, should there be a crisis, and the phone at the White House rings in the middle of the night, the thought of you answering it gives me cold chills.

Related special offers:

“Hillary! Uncensored” DVD

“Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton”

“Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton”

“I’ve Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words”

“Hillary’s Secret War: The Clinton Conspiracy to Muzzle Internet Journalists”

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.