Pity poor Mrs. Carville, Mrs. Dershowitz

By WND Staff

By John Lofton

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

– Proverbs 30:20

I am, of course, feeling very sorry for Mrs. Eliot Spitzer and her three daughters. But, I’m also feeling sorry for Mrs. James Carville and Mrs. Alan Dershowitz. And I’m feeling sorry for these two ladies because their respective husbands have been all over national TV saying that Eliot Spitzer’s whoremongering adultery – which God says is a death penalty crime – is no big deal.

Carville has said regarding Spitzer’s cheating on his wife: “I don’t think he should resign just because he saw a prostitute one or two times. … He didn’t steal anything. If this is all it is. I don’t know that. It may be much more than this but if this is all it is, I say hang in there.”

But, lest you think Mr. Carville is a total libertine, with no moral code, who has no sense of right and wrong, of good and evil, he has said there is something very bad about the Spitzer mess, something he calls “the worst thing.” And that “worst thing” is (are you seated?) all the folks who will be denouncing Spitzer’s whoremongering adultery! On CNN, Mr. C. said: “The worst thing is you have to listen to all these moralizing and self-righteous jerks on TV pontificate about all of this.”

Oh, and there’s one other thing about Spitzer’s whoremongering adultery that bothers Carville. No, it’s not the pain and suffering he inflicted on his family. Mr. C. worries that Spitzer might have been set up. On this same CNN program, Carville says: “I wonder if there’s not some political shenanigans underneath this. … I think the press needs to look into why are we sitting here going crazy on this about a man hooking up with a prostitute. It’s not the first time it has happened.”

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz – who (surprise!) taught Eliot Spitzer at Harvard – has said: “Men go to prostitutes – big deal; that’s not a story in most parts of the world … but let’s put this in perspective. It’s a man and a prostitute. … If every lawmaker and law enforcer who broke the law, even in minor ways, had to resign, we would have very few people in public office. … [This is] a very, very slight offense, sounds to me very much like a victimless crime.”

Comment: Fewer people in public office? Yes! Amen! I’m for it! Clean ’em out, now – for almost any reason!

“A very, very slight offense?” Exodus: 20:14: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Mark 10:19: “Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery. …” Sounds like God sees adultery as a very serious offense.

A “victimless crime”? No, Spitzer himself, his wife and children are certainly victims of his sin, as are all the whores with whom he had sex.

Dershowitz has also said: “Well, let’s remember, we have had presidents – we have had presidents, from Jefferson, to Roosevelt, to Kennedy, to Clinton, who have been great presidents and who have engaged in sexual misconduct, probably all of which were illegal under some rules of law. They remain great presidents.”

Comment: “Great” here has no meaning other than that Dershowitz likes these men. All mentioned here were not, however, good men, meaning godly men. Jefferson was a heathen; FDR was a liar who got us into World War II; JFK was another whoremonger; ditto, Clinton. Bad men do not make good leaders. The only thing “great” about those named here was their sin.

Dershowitz: “I think we risk losing some of the best people who can run for public office by our obsessive focus on the private lives of public figures. So, yes, I do think we’re making much too much of it.”

Comment: There is today almost no focus on a person’s “private life” as a qualification or disqualification when that person runs for the civil government offices that God has ordained. This despite the fact that the “private life” reveals the true character of a person. And without a moral, virtuous, Christian people, our governmental system will not work, as our Founding Fathers stated repeatedly.

Finally, watching Dershowitz saying all these things, I’m also feeling sorry for Harvard. Harvard, that once truly great (because godly) college founded by Bible-believing Christians. Harvard, whose motto once was: “For Christ and the Church.” Harvard, which graduated only Christian ministerial students until the middle of the 19th century.

And now – “law” is taught by Alan Dershowitz whose “law” philosophy was revealed on a Washington, D.C., TV show (“Panorama,” June 10, 1986). He explained that when he believed one of his clients, Claus Von Bulow, was innocent, he (Dershowitz) said: “Let’s put more evidence in, let’s get to the bottom of this thing. Let’s not try to keep evidence out.” But, he added, with a big smile: “When I have a guilty defendant, my job is to keep the evidence out.”

On June 6, 1986, Dershowitz said, in an interview on the “CBS Evening News”: “My job as a criminal defense attorney is to prevent the truth, the whole truth, from coming out before the jury because the whole truth will sink my client.”

Alan Dershowitz alone refutes the theory of evolution. Because when you look at him and listen to him, you know the fittest have not survived.

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John Lofton is editor of TheAmericanView.com and a “recovering Republican.”