Democrats in Barackopolis

By Melanie Morgan

The left-wing media in America are giddy as schoolgirls over the all-star lineup of lefties at this week’s Democratic National Convention in Denver. First up was Michelle Obama’s speech at the leftie love-fest, and she left the breathless believers wondering if the “wrong Obama” is heading the Democrat’s ticket.

But then Hillary Clinton took to the podium in one of her famous traveling pantsuits and tried soothing the guilt that is hanging on the hearts of so many Democrat women who still suffer the pain of taking a backseat to another man. She set them free, telling them to go on, vote for him. Never mind me, poor little old me …

Former President Bill Clinton’s appearance reminded us all of why Hillary is even a senator these days. He spoke and lectured, waving around the bony finger. It took me right back to that infamous day when he shook that finger at all of America and swore up and down that he didn’t have sexual relations with that woman, Monica.

It’s strange how the Democrat crowd loves that stuff. Masochists. That’s all I can figure. What else can explain high taxes, high spending and high hopes for an inexperienced radical like Barack Obama?

Oh, what a feast to the senses of Greek proportions when Obama appeared Thursday at his Barackopolis at Rezko, uh, Invesco Field. (He owes Britney Spears big time for sharing her set designer). I’m sure it sent a helluva thrill up Chris Matthews’ leg.

If you believe the polls, about half of the country remains in the thrall of the chosen one and his serfs who are preparing to back the moving truck into the driveway of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Before we get much further in this election, it’s important to take a moment to look at the governance results under the leadership of left-wing liberal Democrats of the San Francisco Bay Area and the state of California.

I suggest this exercise, which can be quite painful for the uninitiated, only because California is overrun with Democrats. They have a grip on the state and even on our governor, the former GOP “Terminator” who has now been tamed into a yapping yes-man for the global-warming, taxes-are-good crowd.

For those of you who don’t live here, understand this: Surviving under Democrat leadership is an object lesson in crime, decaying family values, skyrocketing taxation and inevitable cultural disintegration.

Because I am a conservative, don’t take my word at face value (it never is). Just pick up a newspaper, any newspaper, and take a look at the headlines.

The San Francisco Chronicle one day this week had about a half dozen examples to make my point.

While Alice Waters, a famous restaurateur, is busy organizing SlowFoodNation, a political food-fest promoting foods that are produced using eco-friendly farming and fair labor prices (driving up food prices along the way), restaurants in Oakland are being robbed, patrons pistol-whipped, and the mayor stands by helplessly, urging citizens of his town to “do something to stop crime.”

Mayor Ron Dellums, a former congressman who was elected because of his “progressive” values, has allowed criminals to run rings around the police, and his own office is now under investigation by the FBI for corruption. The Oakland City Council is completely occupied by – you guessed it – Democrats.

Back in San Francisco, teenage crack dealers who are in this country illegally are being turned over to social welfare agencies rather than deported. An entire family was destroyed by illegals who benefited from this policy, then killed a man and his two sons. This “sanctuary city” policy has been in place for more 20 years beginning with Democrat Mayor Dianne Feinstein.

These are the real values of Democrats today. Don’t be fooled because Michelle Obama read the teleprompter well in Denver, or her husband’s mantra for “change” seems appealing because the Republicans in power have botched their mandate with excessive spending and a leftward drift.

Watch out for Democrats, America. The rhetoric doesn’t match the reality.

Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan is an award-winning radio talk-show host, author, columnist, journalist, TV anchor and reporter. She was selected by the RTNDA and Associated Press for the Edward R. Murrow and Mark Twain Awards in 2004, and again in 2016. Read more of Melanie Morgan's articles here.