Not since Billie Jean King thrashed Bobby Riggs in a 1972 tennis match have the sexes tuned in for a real battle of the sexes. King put Riggs in his place in what the London Sunday Times called “the drop shot and volley heard around the world.”
The debate last night between Sen. Joe Biden, a Democratic crony, and Gov. Sarah Palin, an intelligent executive leader, could be called “the drop kick and hockey slap shot heard around the world.”
Gov. Palin took him down in energy issues. She smacked him down on the economy. She flattened him on the war against radical Muslim jihadists. She was dead right on health care, which Biden and Sen. Barack Obama want to socialize so getting vaccinations for your children will be as disturbing as standing an hour in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles to register a car.
Not once did Alaska’s governor back down, and she had the facts and grit on her side.
As the chairman of the nation’s largest pro-troop, grass-roots, nonprofit organization, I was happy when Gov. Palin called the senator on the carpet for his and Barack Obama’s wobbly policy on the war.
“Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq,” Gov. Palin said.
Then I said, “that’s right, girlfriend. You’re singing my song.”
Biden just smirked/smiled. What else could he do? He was built up as the master debater, and the media and pundits sold her short. Gov. Palin not only stood toe-to-toe with Biden, she wiped up the floor with his bureaucratic babble. Biden was just boring, almost as if he were channeling Bob Dole.
What about Biden’s smirk/smile? What was that? It looked like a cross between a kid who got caught stealing somebody’s apples and a drooling pervert. The smile came on when Gov. Palin checked him on some of his and Obama’s lies.
Biden just looked whooped. Gov. Palin looked fresh. He sounded like a bad recording of the fat-cat senators from the film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” She sounded like a commander. He sounded like, well, a good old boy senator.
Let’s look at specifics. Gov. Palin showed clearly the difference between the work of a governor and a senator. Senators talk. Governors have to act. The governor showed this difference when the two discussed energy independence. She pointed out that Obama had voted for money windfalls. Gov. Palin took on Big Oil for Alaska’s residents.
Gov. Palin also said she was the first governor to create a board to address climate change.
Then there was national security. Biden was supposed to be the expert here, but in a sense, Gov. Palin field dressed the guy. She emphasized the fact that Obama accused our troops of air raiding civilians in Afghanistan and upbraided Biden for hurting American troops.
She told Biden she didn’t understand Washington insiders that tell different stories to different people about the war in Iraq, saying such things such as “I was for it before I was against it.”
And we all remember how Obama talked down to the folks like Sarah Palin who have guns and love God.
All in all, this round goes to Gov. Palin. She had the facts, she had the passion, she had the unbridled love for our country that shone through. Biden didn’t even entertain us with some of his infamous gaffes.
One other thing: Gov. Palin not only came out on top with the facts, she won the beauty contest. She’s gorgeous! Poor Joe looks like he needs another round of hair plugs. He didn’t even score enough points to capture the second-place title of Mr. Congeniality.